Chapter 1: Morioh: The Bizzare Town

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In the busy afternoon of the city, a young girl rushed with glee to get everything packed up. She checked and re-checked to make sure she had everything she needed. She had never been more excited than she was today. Today she and her father would be moving out of the concrete jungle and move on to a new life! They needed a good change of scenery for a good while now, and thanks to her father's recent fashion line being a total success, they were able to do just that.

"Alright, let's see. Clothes? Check. Essentials. Check. School junk. Check." She said to herself as she checked off her mental list when a voice called out from outside.

"Young lady, if you don't get down here in the next ten seconds, I will be forced to leave you behind." A playful voice said.

"Dad getting impatient with me? Check." She said as she let out a laugh. She grabbed her suitcase and rushed outside her apartment and met up with her father who was standing with a kind and friendly smile. He laughed when he saw her 'rushing' to get ready. He patted her head and said, "Oh thank God, you're here. Any longer and I would turn and leave you to fend for yourself. Airi would be ashamed of you."

She playfully rolled her eyes and gave him a gentle shove. "Oh stop it, dad. You knew that I was excited about this move. I'd wouldn't time for this, and by the way, Airi would have dragged me out not just be ashamed." She told him. Her father smiled and chuckled as they began to head downstairs. This girl was Saya Yukimori, and today was a special day for her and her father.

Saya was a beautiful young teenager with long black hair that is tied in low twin-tails with two red ribbons that are wrapped around them at the back of her head. Her eyes, according to her father, were her most unique and beautiful features. Her eyes were heterochromia iridium. Her right eye was an icy-blue colour while her left eye was silver.

Her father Hajime Yukimori was a handsome man, is very tall and has a muscular build. He has jet-black hair and icy-blue eyes.

Both were very eager to head out to their new home in the suburbs. A lot of things had been going on with little family while living in a big city and it has been hard on them. Saya's mother had died when she was seven, and ever since then she and her father have struggled to cope at the reality they were given. She was still just a kid so her emotions were a little bit more wild, but she knew instantly that her father had it the worse, though whenever he saw her he tried to smile and laugh as if it was any other day. Hajime didn't want her to see him so broken, especially since she needed him to be there.

When her mother died, Hajime worked twice as hard as he usually did to support her and her relatives on her father's side helped out whenever they could. Her cousin Airi and her parents were there the most for them. Hajime and his older brother were very close, so when he got the news he and his family rushed over to them in a heartbeat.

Saya wanted to help her father too, but he smiled and told her not to worry. He didn't want to burden her with anything. Saya deeply admired her father for the strength he had. He was always there to protect her. He was always so smart, so brave and so cheerful. He did everything he could to make sure things would be okay. Saya loves her father very much and had made a vow to protect him. After all, he was all she had. Eventually, the weight of the city got to them.

Things seemed to be more complex than it seemed before. People seemed to be colder than they realise. And the streets, when it became dark, had become unsafe with some harsh and ill-tempered delinquent gangs emerging. Hajime had become more worried when talk began of an extremely violent and dangerous woman also began roaming the streets at night. She was known as 'The Silver-eyed Wolf'. No one knows her real name or who she is. All they know that if she finds you or is foolish enough to pick a fight with her, you're as good as dead.

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