Chapter 54: Another One Bites the Dust, Part 3

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Hayato took several deep breaths to calm down his rapidly beating heart. He was almost drenched in sweat as he looked around. He was in his room. He was back in his room... But... how did...? Was what happened just a...? Hayato looked over to his clock and was almost shocked to find that it was 7:30. "W-... ..was I dreaming?" Hayato asked, so confused. It all felt so real... But that had to be the worst nightmare he'd ever experienced.

Hayato gets out of bed and dresses in his regular clothes. Going over to his window and throws open the curtains. Letting sunlight into the room and graze his face in the warm light. But it didn't ease his nerves. 'I had a terrible night's sleep.' Hayato thought to himself as he looked down. Taking out the tape from his pocket. The tape containing one of Kira's murders. 'It was one horrible dream after another.'

"Hayato! Just how long are you gonna sleep in?!" He heard his mother shout out as he turns to see her opening his door. "It's time to get up and-!" She paused in surprise when she saw Hayato all dressed and standing by his window. "Hayato, why didn't you tell me you were out of bed? You startled me." Shinobu said. The boy then became taken aback when he looked at his mother. This scene...her words... Did...had he heard this before? "Come down for breakfast, and answer when I call you." Shinobu said as she shuts his door. Leaving a very confused Hayato behind.

Even when he went downstairs, Hayato continued to experience a serious case of Déjà vu. His breakfast was the same. The teacup was in the same position. Even the Reporter on T.V. let out an unprofessional cough before realizing he's live. Everything was the same as his dream. Like the one from his dream, the reporter was telling his viewers that it was going to be a bright sunny day when the phone began to ring. Shinobu was in the kitchen, already prepared some coffee, and poured it into a white teapot. "Hayato." She called out. "Hayato! Are you listening? Answer the phone."

The boy's heart stopped as he sprang up from his chair. What did she just say? Hold on a second... this scene. This exact moment... It was exactly how it was in his dream! .... Wait...what if it wasn't a dream...what really happen?

'This isn't a dream!!' Hayato shouted in his thoughts as he swiftly turned around and he stares at Kira wearing his smug, confident grin as he fixes himself up in the mirror. Coming to a terrifying realization. 'None of what just happened was a dream! This is the same morning!! Everything is repeating! Somehow I'm reliving the same morning from yesterday! Which means that guy's real name is Yoshikage Kira! He's behind all this! This is what he meant by being unrivalled. He's done something to me with his new power!'

Shinobu had finished preparing the teapot and she nearly slammed down the top when she turned to her son, annoyed that he was ignoring her again and staring off into space. "Hayato, what are you doing?! The damned phone isn't going to answer itself, you know!" Shinobu shouted. Running to quickly place the teapot down and answer the phone herself. Hayato's eyes widened as he knew exactly what was going to happen. 'Oh yeah!' As Shinobu was running, she slipped on the small carpet near the table. Losing her balance. "Watch it!" However, armed with the knowledge of what's to come, Hayato acted fast and quickly grabbed hold of the teapot before it could shatter. When Hayato caught the teapot, through the mirror, caught Kira's attention.

"Ow..." Shinobu groaned as she picked herself up from the floor. When she looked up she was surprised to see that Hayato had actually reacted and caught her favourite teapot. Setting it down on the table. "Nice catch, Hayato. It's almost like you knew I was going to drop it." Shinobu says. "But you could try answering me next time." Shinobu sprang up to her feet and ran to the phone, answering it. As she spoke to the person on the other end, Hayato stayed back as his hands began to shake. 'So I'm the only one who knows this morning already happened. For everyone else, it's business as usual.'

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