Chapter 56: Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Part 2

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When Kira slid against the wall, having the wind knocked out of him, Hayato was awestruck at what he had seen. And...not seen. Either way, it was so awesome. 'I can't tell what happened, but Kira hacking up blood and flying through the air gets a "Hell Yeah!!" from me!' Hayato thought to himself. He knew it. He just knew that these guys were more than capable of stopping Kira for good. If they managed to take him out, Hayato will owe them for the rest of his life.

"Your Deadly Queen's as slow as molasses! For all the killing you do, you're a real lethargic fighter, guess all that peace and tranquillity will do that to you. It's painfully obvious that your Stand just isn't cut out for one-on-one fighting." Josuke said as he stood over the slumped form of Kira.

"Don't you dare touch him!" Saya yelled out.

"Josuke, he's slow, but don't let your guard down!" Okuyasu shouted.

While Josuke was looking down at the serial killer, he didn't notice at the time, Deadly Queen had moved to go and touch Josuke's foot. Intending to make him into a bomb. Saya brought out Blazing Gold and shot out electricity from her hand. The hot electricity flew across the air and it struck the wall, just missing Kira's left eye by mere inches. Making him flinch to the side. "If you want to knock him around without laying a finger on him, there's no better Stand to have on your side than The Hand." The Hand came out and scraped away the distance between Okuyasu and Kira. "Bring it!" Kira was pulled away from Josuke, so he was now facing Okuyasu. Saya took a step forward and grabbed Josuke's arm, bringing him close to her. However, she still kept her eyes on Kira, to make sure he doesn't try anything else.

"You scrape away space to transport things, eh? Josuke was my target, but it appears fate has other ideas in mind for me today." Kira said as his cold, empty eyes stared into Okuyasu's. "I'm now poised to attack you." Hayato's attention was drawn away from the fight when he noticed his backpack lying on the ground. Wait...oh, man, he completely forgot about it. Maybe he can help by using that! "I know, I'll use the plant to-." Hayato began to say before his heart stopped when he saw that his backpack was empty. Wait...what?!


"What?!" Okuyasu shouted before he was blinded by a powerful light. An explosion went off, the attack blowing away a large chunk of Okuyasu's midsection. "Nice. Direct hit. That wasn't too bad, especially for beginner's luck." Kira smirked.

"What the hell happened...?! I didn't see anything touch me! It's the air... The air spit some kind of  fire!" Okuyasu said before he lost all consciousness. "Okuyasu!" Josuke let out a loud strangled cry as his friend flew back landing with a limp thud. "Oh, God!! Okuyasu!!" Saya yelled as she stared at the limp form of her friend.

"Di... Did I hear him right? The air spit fire..?! But how?!" Hayato questioned as he got a very bad feeling in his gut. The cat plant was gone from his bag. Okuyasu was attacked by the air. The...the only way that would've happened would be if-.

"Well, boys and girls, do you see now? This is why I kept my pet." Kira says as he got a scary look in his eyes. Deadly Queen's scleras were glowing near red as it reached towards its belly. Suddenly, like a hidden compartment, Deadly Queen slides open its belly and Stray Cat was stored inside, giving off a low growl. "I found a way to use Stray Cat's air controlling abilities and Deadly Queen's explosions." Kira said. "I must thank you for carting it all the way here, Hayato."

"The invisibility of the air mixed with the power of an explosion...!! He couldn't have used a more dangerous combination of elements if he tried! He was growing to do this all along! And I'm the wise guy who brought the stupid thing right to him!" Hayato said. Looking down at his hands with full regret. What had he done?! He was the idiot who brought that thing and now Kira was using the very thing he tried to kill him with to his advantage!

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