Chapter 50: July 15th (Thursday), Part 5

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July 15th (THU) 12:47 PM

Josuke flipped over the paper, thinking maybe he missed something when right from the very edge from the other side, something poked out from the paper. To their horror, was a gun pointing right to Josuke's head. "What?!" That was all Josuke had to say before the gun went off. Shooting at him. Yuya and Saya watched with shock as Josuke's body fell back.

"JOSUKE!!" They cried out.

Josuke fell back onto the ground. Breathing heavily as he stared at the bullet. Mere seconds after the gun had fired Shining Diamond appeared and caught it, saving his master. "Damn you, asshole!" Josuke shouted. Yuya let out a shaky breath while Saya quickly ran over to her boyfriend's side.

Terunosuke chuckled. His hand and the gun was poking out of the paper as it floated in the air. "Hahaha, Shining Diamond, eh? Well, I guess the rumours were true; You can indeed handle a bullet at point-blank range without an issue." He says as he threw the gun at Josuke. The two teens quickly dodged it but the unexpected throw and how he was just shot at, made Josuke's bottom lip tremble.

'This is freaky, isn't it? Now chomp down on that lip, Josuke.'

Josuke's lip trembled and he was so close to biting it. The fear was slowly but surely creeping up behind him. This was way crazier than anything he had ever faced. Terunosuke smirks in anticipation as he watches Josuke's teeth reaching his bottom lip. He could hardly wait. He wanted - no - He needed to see his fear overtake him. 'He's almost there. Bite it! Show me that bite, show me your mark of fear!'

However, as a member of the Joestar bloodline, Josuke's resilience sprang up again and stared up at the floating paper. Quickly deducing that the enemy that had kidnapped his best friend and his mother was hiding within it with the help of his Stand. "That sheet of paper must be his Stand! It has to be since it's as pathetic as that geezer in the photo!" Josuke shouted.

'Uuggh...still won't bite, eh? Seems he's trying to cover up his fear with anger. If that's the case, I suppose it's time for the big reveal.' Terunosuke thought to himself as he floats behind the light pole, disappearing entirely. And appearing seeming directly behind the pole was Terunosuke himself. Showing himself to Josuke and the others. "You cocky bastard... You're dead!!" Josuke shouted. He would've rushed at him but Saya grabbed his shoulder, holding him back. Something about this guy gave her some creepy vibes, but she wasn't sure why. Still, she kept her eyes on him and ignites electricity around her hand.

Yuya kept his distance as his whole body shook while he stared at the white-haired young man. Being that he and Saya were both delinquents and been with gang members, fighting in the streets have greatly intuned their instincts when in a dangerous situation. 'Something about this doesn't feel right. He's been hiding this whole time. Why would he choose to show himself now? This is all a trap, he made himself appear so you'd attack him. This guy's dangerous, get the hell out of there, Josuke! Saya, please, run for it!!'

" know, you were right a moment ago when you said I had a pathetic Stand." Terunosuke says as he walks up to the pompadour-haired teen, smiling smugly at him. He reached into his coat as he tells Josuke, "But it's not all bad, I guess. Its abilities allow me to transform almost anything into a piece of paper to be filed discretely and conveniently." He chuckles at the expression on Josuke's face as he took out a folded piece of paper. He takes it in his hands and tore it in half. When he did, a fresh bowl of ramen broke into pieces and falling to the ground. Surprising the three teens. Terunosuke took out one more piece of paper and held them out.

"And this slip of paper contains Koichi Hirose."

"Bastard! So you've had Koichi this entire time!" Josuke shouted.

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