Chapter 30

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I pushed open the door staring confused. I didn't know what to do with this situation. Was I suppose to stop it because Marcy was screaming my name or was I suppose to walk out the door and forget what I just saw?

I'm going to need to wash my eyes out after this.

Marcy had her back pushed against the wall by Grey who kissed her against her will. One of her legs were wrapped around his waist while the other kicked as she tried to move. Grey ignored her complaints.

I decided it was time to stop acting like a statue and stop it. Before I acted I stopped.

Grey's hand went up Marcy's side. she had a tattoo on her right shoulder saying "give me strength when I'm standing and faith when I fall."

On her left arm was a tattoo that said sisters with a heart trailing around it. I didn't know Marcy had a sister. Her last tattoo was on her foot. It was a simple black tattoo that said I "Ohana." I would have to ask her what it means another time.

"Grey," I said snapping out my blank moment and pushing him off her. He stumbled over with a goofy grin while catching himself on the bed. Marcy fixed her shirt trying to catch her breath.

"He attacked me, but I'm fine," she explained looking back at Grey. His eyes flashed blue for a second then he closed his eyes falling back on the bed. He fell asleep.

"What does Ohana mean?" I asked confused why she would have a tattoo. She doesn't look like a person who would have a tattoo.

"Ohana means family in Hawaiian. Family means nobody gets left behind," she had a grim look when she explained it to me but she didn't look mad at Grey.

"I didn't know you had a sister," I stated nodding to her arm. She covered her arm with her hand while a sad look replaced her face.

"I don't anymore."

"Oh," I said even though curiosity got the better if me. One day I was going to be killed by it. Was her sister dead or did she leave? I wanted so badly to ask but I didn't.

"Cas, my sister died last year. She was killed," she said not bothering to look up. Being the caring person I was I hugged her tightly. She fell into my embrace. A few tears escaped but she refused to cry like she needed to.

Instead of hugging her face moved up to mine. I stared down at her and made a bad decision that would get me killed if Grey was in his right mind. I kissed her. She kissed me back without thinking about it.

In about ten seconds I pulled away from her and moved across the room staring at her with wide eyes. She just stared back at me taking deep breaths.

"That didn't happen," she said after clearing her throat. She licked her lips then looked down.

"No," I agreed. It shouldn't have happened. I don't know why it did happen.

On the bed Grey started to groan but didn't open his eyes.

"We were venerable. You're having problems and I am too," she tried to find the only explanation. I nodded again.

"I...I have to go. Tell me if he wakes up," I said looking at Grey to avoid talking to hem.

"Cas...," she sighed watching me. I stopped looking at her.

"Don't tell them about my sister," she said looking past me at the wall.

"I have to. She might be the reason. What's your sisters name?" I asked straight to the point. Not to long ago she was afraid of me, now she kissed me. I was as confused as the expression on her face.

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