Chapter 41

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Ian's POV

No...No it can't be.

"Listen to her baby," she said softly and ran her hand down my cheek. I shivered under her cold touch. Her warm hands turned to ice bergs,"go talk it out. That's your life outside that door. Just listen to her," the noise in the room came back. Cassidy was crying against the door.

I looked back to where my mom stood. She was gone replaced with black clouds. I climbed to my feet and opened the door. Cassidy stood at the door staring at me.

"Please Ian, I just want to talk," she wiped the tears from her face then looked down at the wedding ring in my hand. I stuck it in my pocket and looked back at her. She sighed and went to sit on the bed. I sat beside her.

I didn't want to tell her about my mom yet. I didn't even really know if she was my mom. She looked like she was a witch, but all witches were dead according to Grey and I believed him. My mother wasn't a witch. If she was, why didn't she tell us?

"Ian, I'm only twenty, what are all your supporters gonna say, you are the president or have you forgot?" she asked shaking her head. I took her hand and leaned down on the floor in front of her. She stared down at the ground.

I pulled her chin up with my hand so she was looking at me before I spoke,"Cassidy, I don't care what they think. I love you and it won't ever change. I stood in the store for three hours trying to find the perfect one for you. I've never spent so much time for anyone before. I love you Cassidy. I will scream it to the heaven if I have to. I love you Cassidy!" I started screaming. She reached over kissing me to stop the noise.

When she pulled away she was breathless,"I'll marry you Ian."

I smiled and stood up putting the ring on her,"I know it's not perfect. I tried looking for the perfect one but I had to leave early...I just couldn't find the perfect one and-"

She cut me off by putting her hand over my mouth. I smiled under her hand,"It's beautiful Ian, how much did it coast?"

"It wasn't much," I said as she dug through the box. I panicked. I was in such a hurry and I wasn't expecting her to find it so fast.

"A million Ian. This is way too much! I'm going to lose it," she stood up looking at the ring again. I laughed bringing her into me for a hug.

My watch started buzzing, alerting me that Missy was trying to talk to me. I turned from Cassidy and turned on the mic.

"Yes," I answered. I heard the normal clicking of the computer in the back ground. She must've worked in the office. Commander Jayden just gave me a new assistant because I wasn't sure if anyone on my staff was working against me.

"Dr. Hall needs to tell Mrs. Lancaster something," I took off my watch and handed it to Cassidy. She nodded then spoke after realizing he couldn't see her.

"Really," her face became red before she hung up. I uncovered my ears. Before the conversation started she made me cover my ears and make stupid noises so I couldn't hear. It was stupid, but I guess it made her feel better.

"What was it about?" I asked. She only shook her head and smiled at me.

"What are you going to tell them?" she asked gesturing to the television that repeated Cassidy and I talking on the show over and over again.

"I'm going to tell them the truth. That you had an infection in your leg that was causing the sickness that made you have morning sickness," I sighed and ran my hands through her hair,"you'll probably have to wear something that looks like you're gaining weight."

"Or maybe not," she said turning from me. I raised my eyebrows, confused with her statement.

"What do you mean Cassidy?" I asked walking up to her. She sighed standing up and walking to me.

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