Chapter 21

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"Where's Marcy," Valerie asked me waving to Gavin as he boarded the bus and it drove away. I still haven't seen Maria but Cas decided to go back to the warehouse to see if she was there.

Marcy sat by herself in the park. Her watch would remind her it was time to go. I wasn't worried I was still close enough to smell her and if any vampire came close to her, but she was able to protect herself.

"She's at the park," I shrugged.

"You Grey, Grey Kyle Morgan let Marcy out your sight, I even heard you slept with her last night wow," she joked starting to walk to the warehouse. I could feel Marcy crying. It broke me that I couldn't hug her and tell her everything was going to be okay. I wanted to tell her forget what she just said, to hold her, tell her everything was going to be okay, tell her I wont rush her, but I couldn't. She had to know how I felt. I felt the crack in my heart as we walked away from the park but I couldn't do that.

"She's confused," I said,"and who told you."

"Did you really think Cas was going to keep a secret, we're talking about Cas here," she laughed at my face turning red.

"Nothing happened," I said thinking of ways I could hurt Cas without him hating me forever.

"I know that, if it did happen that fire wouldn't try to burn you," Valerie said. She was surprisingly learning to walk right in the heels that made her almost my height but a couple inches off.

"What?" I asked.

"That's fire inside her," Valerie stuck out her tongue, her face turning green. I've never seen Val's face turn green so it must be something she's not telling me,"she wants you. And not just you."

"I don't understand," I said. Valerie stopped pulling my face down to her level.

"She wants you. She snuck into your room last night. That wasn't her. That was the fire talking, that was want. She wants you, but she's fighting herself. She almost lost control that night, but didn't," Valerie said letting go of my face and walking forward.

"I don't get it," I said again understanding a little bit of what she said. She was confusing me.

"What don't you understand," she groaned clearly annoyed.

"Want. Why does she want me? And what do you mean by me, she's has me," I said raising my voice a little.

"Oh, Grey. You're lucky your cute," she sighed,"she wants the more mature you, the other, oh Grey this is hard, forget it I'm just saying it, she wants you without clothes," she sighed again burying her head in her hands. I froze for a little bit.

"So, she wants me, but she's also pushing me away," I said slowly.

"Good job, bout time," Valerie said clapping. She got a lot more sarcastic. Pulling the warehouse door open she sat on the floor with her eyes closed and I sat beside her.

"Then why is she pushing me away, and what's this fire talking, fire can't talk," I exclaimed feeling more confused then I was before.

Valerie just groaned at me again with her eyes closed,"the fire is the other personality that was...was kissing you. The one that lied and snuck in your room, that's the fire. Marcy is the one burning you to keep you away, at a far distance. The fire wants to speed it up Marcy wants it slower. I don't know why she's pushing you away," she said the last part quietly and slowly.

"I understand now," I swallowed.
That's the reason I have burns all over my hand.

"I couldn't find Maria, she probably went home. Won't answer my calls either," Cas said sitting on the floor near me. He shook his head making curls fly.

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