Chapter 29

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"Hello, Lacy," I said into the phone. Once Grey went to sleep I took his phone and dialed Marcy's moms number. I could've asked Marcy but she was still upset.

"Hello, who is this?" She asked. I could hear a pen click and people talking in the back ground.

"This is Grey's second in command Cas," I said pacing around the room.

"Oh...Okay I'm at work so can we talk later?" She asked.

"No this is important. Grey might die. He has bad asthma and you need to get her faster," I whisper yelled. The baby beside me started crying. I moved picking her up shushing her.

"What's that?" She asked. I could hear her drop the pen.

"Nothing," I lied putting Casey back in the crib when she fell back asleep. I got lucky Val and Gavin were out, Marcy was sleeping with Grey and Marie went out to get baby formula even though I told her to get her butt back in the bed and let me get it. I still don't trust her for lying to me about Jason.

"Cas tell me now," Lacy said. She had that tone of authority so she must've came from the bloodline of a leader.

"Yeah well I'll see you," I said.

"I'm going to kick your butt when I get there," she said hanging up the phone. I shrugged. Oh well.

"She's going to kick your butt," Grey frowned at me. He started coughing then looked back up at me.

"Oh well. You need help," I shrugged moving to hold Casey. I can't believe she's mine and not mine.

"She's beautiful," he said watching her green eyes,"too bad I won't live long enough to have my own children. I won't even live long enough for this timer to go down."

"Grey..." I growled at him.

"Don't scare the baby," he waved me off like it didn't bother him.

"You sure he wants me here?" I heard a man say.

"You're fine," I heard Marie from upstairs. I growled giving the baby to Grey and walking up the stairs.

As soon as I saw Jason I put my hands around his throat squeezing tightly. Marie screamed at me to let him go but I couldn't. I couldn't until I heard the baby crying.

Jason fell to the ground choking and coughing. I took Casey away from Grey holding her close to me.

"Cas, how could you?" Maria asked covering her mouth.

"I didn't mean to do that...I really didn't," I said as someone pulled open the door. Lacy.

"I knew it was a baby," she growled out walking to me.

"It's not mine," I said passing it onto Jason. Jason looked at her and gave her to Maria who dropped the bags she was holding to hold the baby. She gave me a sad look.

"Who are the parents then?" She asked. Her face got red from anger.

"It's complicated," Jason shrugged.

I opened my mouth to say something but Marie shut me up with a look from her.

"Ms. Lacy the baby is mine and I...I cheated on my mate and," she couldn't get out the sentence before she started crying. I hated to see her cry. I moved over to her hugging her from behind with Casey still in her arms.

"Whose the mate?" Lacy asked.

"I am," I grumbled waving my hand. She looked at me confused.

"And you're taking care of the baby," she said a little confused.

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