Counting till midnight

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"Marcy, it's bed time sweetie," my mom said. I'm eighteen but still have to be reminded to go to sleep, to eat, and to go to work at the right time.

The world wasn't always like that. It changed when people couldn't control their children or life. We have to go to bed at a certain time because kids won't go. We have to eat at a certain time because it just makes sense. We also have to go to school at a certain time because kids just won't go.

Something that really gets me is we have to fall in love with a certain person at a certain time. I tried to ignore that.

I got off the bank of the lake and pulled my black hair from my face. I looked like a monster to me. Straight black hair that never curled, brown dirt colored eyes, and a skinny frame that had no curve or shape. I looked like a flat board.

"Sweetie you're going to be late," my mom urged me. She opened the sliding door and stuck her head out. She had creamy brown hair, brown eyes, and a frame that made her look curvy but not too curvy.

"I'm coming," I brushed the dirt of my pants and went in the house. I checked the watch on my wrist that everyone got now. It read eleven ten. I was literally ten minutes late.

I got undressed in the next five minutes. I brushed my teeth and braided my hair trying my best to get some curls to hold. It never worked. Every time I took it out the braid it laid flat on my face and back. I'm apologizing now for whoever gets stuck with me.

By eleven thirty I was in bed and ready to sleep. I had to wait until my watch vibrated telling me it was bed time. I closed my eyes and took slow breaths.

"Marcy," a voice said. I sat up in bed staring around the room.

"Whose there?" I asked. I even got up and looked out the window. There, a boy sat on the curb looking up at me. He was a guy with dark hair. I've never seen him before and what was he doing not sleeping.

"Run away with me Marcy. You never have to follow time again," he said. I didn't know who he was but I was tempted to go with him.

"What is up with you being late!" He screamed. His face started to disappear and I could feel the soft cushion on my back.

"Marcy!" my mom yelled and shook me. My watch went off at the same time. I yawned and pulled myself up. She smiled satisfied and walked out the room.

I parked myself in front of the bathroom mirror for twenty minutes putting my hair in a straight ponytail and applying a little brown eyeshadow. I threw on some shorts and a tie dye t-shirt. I was eighteen and still waiting for my college papers so all I had to do today was work. I worked at this snobby restaurants where only fancy rich people go. I really need that application to Virginia university to come in.

I know what you're thinking. I'm not confident and think I look terrible. I'm really shy but I do have dreams and surprisingly in my dreams I don't have a man, except for last nights one.

"One day the police are going to pick you up," dad scolded and shook his head. Mom nodded.

They watched me run around the room finding my phone, checking the mail, my voicemail, and stuffing dry cereal in my mouth at the same time. I'm not very lady like.

They are talking about what kids call the time stalkers. They watch us and make sure we are on time with everything we do. They warn us first then we start getting in trouble. I haven't been caught yet so I'm not really that worried.

"You're going to be late, again," dad sighed as I poured milk in my mouth and walked out the door. I was chomping on my cereal when I walked pass a girl. She looked about a year or so above me.

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