Chapter 32

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Cas's Pov

I'm fine, just forget that even happened," I told her shrugging. I then stood up walking around the room to avoid her look. I knew it hurt her but what could I say to make it different? The truth. That I kissed Marcy. That wasn't going to lessen the blow. It would probably make it worst.

Instead of saying anything I turned to her. Using the speed I have as a vampire I pushed her into the wall. Her breathing started to speed up as I pressed my lips to her's. She moved her arms up to my hair and wrapped her legs around my waist.

My tongue slid into her mouth running over her teeth. Her tongue curled together with mine. We moved around the room to where she had her back against the bed with me leaning over her and putting my weight on my arms beside her waist.


I snapped my eyes open looking around the room. Snuggled by my side was Maria asleep without clothes.

"Did we...?" I speak out loud and realize my mistake a little too late. Her eyes snapped open looking at me.

"You're awake," she said even though she was the one that was closing her eyes. I nodded and watched her.

She looked at me with a smirk on her face before sitting over me. I moved my arms to touch her but she had them over my head using her strength to hold them back.

"Maria," I laughed trying to pull my arms away from her. She leaned over me closer to my ear.

"Cas," she breathed out making my hormones go crazy. I got one hand loose and put it on her waist.

"Ca..." Grey walked in the room then walked out. I shook my head while Maria got off of me. He should've knocked on the door.

I pulled on some jeans and met him outside the door. His face was flushed from the sight he just saw.

"What, you don't know how to knock on doors?" I moved my hair out my eyes. He just rolled his eyes at me before talking.

"I thought you were mad at each other. I wasn't expecting to see that," he ran his hands through his hair before speaking again,"Val didn't come home yesterday and I'm worried about her. Has she talked to you?"

I stared at him. He decided to come to me at nine in the morning to look for Val. That was not the best idea he had but I could see he was worried out his mind. Valerie's never done this to him before.

"She's probably with Gavin," I said making him growl. His eye switched colors then quickly shifted back.

"Can you just try to call her for me? She won't answer me," he frowned at me before turning and walking back to his room.

I sighed. He's never going to forgive me as easily as he did Marcy. Maybe we won't be close friends again, but that thought was pushed out of my head as fast as it came in.

I went back in my room and opened up my phone. Maria moved around the room putting on clothes. Valerie's phone rung a couple times before she picked it up on the last ring.

"What do you want Cas?" She asked tiredly while I watched Maria.

"Your brothers worried about you. Where are you?" I ran my hands through my hair. Maria got up as she heard the baby cry.

She talked with someone beside her before answering,"I'm with Gavin. Tell my brother to stop worrying about me. I'm old enough to protect myself."

"Yeah yeah whatever," I rolled my eyes. She hung up on me. That was going to be something I won't be telling Grey. His sister with her mate in the same bed. He would kill me before killing him then her.

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