Chapter 45

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Cassidy's Pov

"Why do people wear black to funerals?" Maria asked me while pulling the zipper up on my black dress I was wearing. It was simple with spaghetti straps and a gold belt going around my waist.

I kept silent staring at her through the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot. I couldn't sleep without Ian yesterday. All I could think about was Ian all last night.

"I...I really don't know," I pulled away from her and sat on top the bed. She smiled at me and came to sit beside me.

"Cassidy, it's okay," she hugged me. I leaned into her hug. My eyes filled with tears again.

"I just don't know what I'm going to do. Yes, I have money. I'm sticking rich, but I don't have Ian. I might as well be poor because I don't have him. I need him," I covered my face.

She pulled me up and walked to the door. There I meet Evan and Kayla. They both sucked on their thumbs standing beside Grey. He looked lost. Since he say Cary Ann, his face was just lost in thought. He couldn't believe that she came back.

Evan was dressed in a black tux. It was hard to look at him. He looked just like Ian, almost an exact copy of him. Kayla was dressed in a black dress similar to mine. She wore a white flower stuck in her hair.

"Mommy, what's wrong?" Kayla asked. I picked her up and sat her on my hip. She frowned at me.

"Nothing baby, nothing," I took Evan's hand and we walked down the stairs.

We got into the car and started driving in silence. Everyone was there. Maria, Cas, and Casey. Marcy and Grey. Jason and Ian's sister Anna and her daughter May.

We got out at the funeral sight. Here it was. There were so many people and so many cameras. I got on the car first. Grey took Kayla and Evan out. As soon as I stepped onto the concrete, cameras and reporters were out taking pictures and screaming questions out at me.

"She just lost her soul-mate. Leave her alone!" Cas yelled at them. He held back from growling.

I sent him a thankful look as they started to back off. Surrounded by chairs was the thing I was dreading to see. An all white coffin with purple and white flowers on it. I slowly walked over to it and laid my hand across the cold surface.

I felt myself starting to break before the tears ran down my face. I hit the ground on my knees and grabbed at the coffin. His coffin.

Cas held me back up to my feet. I hit at his chest while screaming, attracting all the attention.

"Why'd it have to be him? Why couldn't have been me!? I'm dying anyways!" I yelled at him. He smiled at me and gave my hand a squeeze. I pulled my hand away from him and looked back to the coffin.

"It's going to be okay. We have your back," he spoke quietly. I watched Anna stare at her brothers coffin from across the grass then started crying. Jason held her up whispering words in her ear. I wanted that. I wanted Ian to whisper encouraging words in my ear. I needed him to do it.

"Promise me," I looked up into his eyes. He looked at Maria then looked back to me.

"Promise you what Cassidy?" He put all his weight on one foot. He was avoiding looking at the coffin like I was trying to do.

"When I die-"

"You're not dying," he growled at me but not loud enough for everyone to hear him.

"Listen to me," I snapped at him then sighed,"when I die...if I die, please...can you watch over Kayla and Evan? I want you to come to this grave site every year on Ian's birthday and put a black rose on his grave."

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