Chapter 19

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"I'm surprised you let me date your sister," Gavin said jokingly. We were walking to the park from the restaurant where he got on my nerves the entire time. My only escape was when I had to go to the bathroom to talk to Cas. I just hope Cas told his brother and Ben didn't disown him.

"Do I have a choice?"I rolled my eyes shrugging. The girls walked in front of us talking about something while Gavin decided to walk beside me just to annoy the heck out of me because I was dating Marcy,"if it was my choice I would rather have her date a dog."

"Thanks, never thought a dog was better dating material than me," he replied sarcastically. How did Marcy deal with this?

"Look Gavin, you know I don't like you...," I started but was cut off when Valerie turned around and frowned at me. Stupid vampire hearing.

"Look Gavin just walk away from me,"I said instead.

He smiled down at me, glad he finally ticked me off to the point where I wanted to punch him.

Then I heard her scream. Valerie screamed a little way away from me. I turned to Gavin and ran like a human closer to them. It was two figures, then I saw three as I neared.

"Stay back," the man said. He had a knife pulled against Marcy's throat. I stood frozen with Gavin beside me.

"What do you want, I have some money on me," Gavin started digging through his pockets but by the look on the mans face as he looked at me, I knew exactly what he wanted.

"You know what I want leader, give it to me or I end your mate," he breathed through the air.

I squeezed my eyes shut.

"What is it?" Gavin asked quietly.

"He wants to take away part of me," I said without realizing who I was talking to.

"What?" Gavin asked.

Marcy looked at me with tears running down her eyes. I could see her slowly shaking her head telling me no.

Then all of a sudden Marcy's eyes were glowing. They turned blue like cats eyes in the dark. She had that smile that she looked at me with before she bit me.
She ripped the knife from the mans hand and threw it at the ground. It smashed though the concrete with the black handle sticking up. The man that threatened her looked at her eyes and ran.

Marcy turned back to us. Her eyes crossed them rolled up and she dropped. I ran to her catching her before she fell. I pulled open her eyelids while Val pulled back Gavin. He was strong enough to push through her but decided to listen to what she was saying.

"Marcy wake up," I started shaking her. What was that? I've never seen any vampires eyes change color. What was wrong with Marcy?

"Grey," she opened her eyes slowly breathing out my name. Her head was sitting between my legs with my hands shielding her from the ground so I leaned my head on her forehead breathing out.

"Oh my god, thank god your okay," I said shaking my head.

"What was that, all I remember was being really upset then that turned to anger and something took over," she whispered looking at Gavin.

He was holding Valerie really tight that I was afraid he would squish her small frame but she looked relaxed and he looked more relaxed that he was holding her.

"Gavin saw that the man wanted to take it from me. I accidentally told him he wanted to take away part of me," I said.

"We need to tell him the truth,"Marcy exclaimed.

"I don't know...,"

"She'll have to tell him sooner or later, they're mates. What's the difference from sooner or later? Better time than any," she pulled her head from the ground and turned to look at me.
She looked concerned. Then brought her hand to my cheek,"I'm sorry if I scared you."

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