Chapter 24

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"I... I killed him," I said. I could feel the blood dripping down my hands. It reminded me of the sticky syrup my Mom used to give me when I was younger. The only difference was it was from a person and not the store.

"Grey," Gavin said slowly walking towards me. I held the shard still staring at the body,"I'm calling Valerie," he walked away with the phone to his ear. Maria pulled Marcy into the restaurant saying she's been out for so long and to freshen up before she got to work. I was ignoring everyone including Gavin who sat on the ground near me until Valerie showed up ten minutes later.

"Grey," she said slowly getting closer to me.

"I... I killed him," I repeated again looking at his body.

"It wasn't your fault. Just give me the glass Grey," she held out her hands talking to me like a baby.

"I'm not a baby," I said gripping the glass tighter.

"You're going to cut your hand off," she said holding her hand out still. Ushering me to give it to her. I shook my head no.

"Give me the freaking glass piece!" she yelled at me. I dropped the glass making it shatter over the ground.

"I killed him," I repeated louder dropping to my knees and laying my head on the ground. I felt Valerie's hand on my back.

"It wasn't your fault sweetie, it was his. He's the one that attacked you. Now why don't you get on up, we can get something to eat and Gavin will take care of this," she said smiling down at me. She still talked to me like I was a baby but I let her. Maybe for once I could be treated like a child and not an adult.

I walked with her inside the restaurant still feeling stickiness inside me hands.

"Why don't you go wash your hands and I'll order something," she said finding a table. I went to the bathroom to wash my hands. In the mirror my eyes switched to blue. They quickly turned back but not until I watched my hair get more highlights in it like it was getting lighter and lighter.

I came back to the table and sat in front of Valerie. She ordered me a plate of spaghetti my favorite and she got a burger and fries. She had another plate beside her of a salad. Must be for Gavin. Never thought he would be a vegetarian with that build or a book geek for that matter.

"What happened?" She asked slowly.

"I got off the bus pulling Marcy with me. I went back in the ally and started kissing her. My eyes turned blue but I did nothing about it. She watched my eyes turn blue but she did nothing about it. The vampire came behind me and I grabbed a knife and stuck it in his neck. I killed him," I said starting to shake a little. My fork holding the spaghetti shook.

"I told you, you need to control it," she said looking down at her plate. She hasn't ate anything.

"It's Maria's fault," I felt like a child blaming someone else. Maybe I did feel vulnerable. Maybe I need someone else to lead for a little bit and make all the shots.

"Why?" She asked. She reminded me so much of my mom when she would pick me up from school because I punched a kid.

"Why Grey," she used to asked.

"Because he was messing with me," I always lied to get out of trouble. Mom knew I lied but never scolded or corrected me.

"Maria cheated on Cas. She knew what she was doing yet she did it," I said putting the fork on the plate.

"Maria knew she made a mistake," Valerie said just as Gavin ran through the door to us. He got dirty looks from the people in line, the waitresses, and the people sitting at the tables.

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