Chapter 3

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"Cough cough," someone said. They didn't use a cough but just said the word. I let go of Grey and backed away. I tripped over my chair, but he caught me.

"Cas," I squinted my eyes in the dark. He stood by the window with a smirk on his face and his arms crossed.

"So.. I followed you and was very surprised when you climbed in her window in broad daylight," he kept his arms crossed.

"Cas. I had to come, you know that. Valerie told me to," he argued. I sat on the bed watching them while also trying to calm my breathing and make the blush on my face disappear.

"Guess my surprise when you kissed her!" Cas yelled back.

"You knew this would happen," he said slowly. They were complete opposite. Cas raised his voice, while Grey thought carefully of everything he said.

"I'm telling your sister. You were the one that didn't want to follow time! Why are you choosing to follow it now!" Cas started pacing around the room.

"You already found the person you were destined to be with. My sister can't change me, no one can," he looked to the door as if to tell Cas he was yelling to loud.

"It was different. We already knew each other. You only knew her for almost three days!" he started out calm but started yelling again. He had this thing were when he got angry his hand movements moved around faster, his face turned red, and his hair flopped around everywhere.

"I'm standing right here you know!" I yelled and gestured to the bed. Grey looked like I just made a mistake that would end my life.

"Don't remind me," he came at me slowly. Grey stood in front of me and he stopped.

"Cas calm down," he put his hands on his shoulder. Cas opened his mouth and I thought I was staring into death. His mouth was built like that of my vampire book. He hissed and backed away. He jumped out the window and ran.

"What was that?" I asked moving towards the window. We watched him run across the street and disappear into the darkness.

"We are all monsters. It's called a midnight, that's why we are terrible at following time," he rubbed his head,"Cas has sort of a temper when he's not being immature.

"Cas is with Maria right?" I nodded.

He nodded.

"Whose your sister?" I looked at the window. I must've been staring at nothing for a long time because it was dark.

"I have a twin sister, you'll meet her tonight," he shrugged.

"I want to take you somewhere," I took out a piece of cloth he gave me last night and stuck it under the watch. I looked out the window and saw all the lights were dark in other houses.

I opened the window and climbed into the tree. Once I was down Grey jumped down from the window and landed on his feet. We walked a little until I was close to the lake shore. I sat on the ground and stared at the water as the moon reflected off it.

"This is where I first watched you. I was hiding up in that tree. You constantly fell asleep and your mom would come and shake you awake. She would be all upset and her hair would fly everywhere because it took like five shakes for you to get up," he laughed pointing to tree and the house. His hair was short so it moved around a little, his brown eyes sparkled, and the chip in his top tooth showed.

"Why is Cas mad?" I asked. I picked up a leaf and twirled it in my fingers. Grey lost his smile.

"Cas and Maria didn't fall in love with each other until their timers ran out. My sister hasn't fallen in love but she thinks that's how it's suppose to work. We still have about eight or nine days so you don't have to fall in love with me and I don't have to fall for you," he explained tangling his hands together. I could see he put the gloves back on.

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