Chapter 20

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"Marcy, you alright?" Maria asked sitting next to me on the bench.

"Ya...ya," I shook my head taking away my thoughts. How was Gavin a vampire? He was better at time then me. Did his Dad know? Did his Mom know before she was killed? Which one of his parents were a vampire?

Probably his Mom because she never talked about it and his Mom was Gavin's best friend. That's why he was so depressed after she died. Gavin was so Gavin, nice, sweet, Gavin.

"Marcy," Maria said shaking me again.

"Oh, I'm sorry just thinking," I said paying attention to her now.

"Your friends pretty cute," she said. I looked at Gavin. He was really tall, black hair that layered around his head, brown eyes, and a big muscular build that a lot of the football players wanted but Gavin would rather read then play football any day.

"I guess," I shrugged.Gavin looked at me smiling tapping his ear while talking to Valerie. My face turned red when I realized like me, Gavin also had super hearing.

"It's crazy how much he knows time," I said still staring at him. It wasn't that big of a deal, he was my best friend.

"You know Cas jumped out a window," Maria said. Her hands were shaking but not from the cold. I've never seen Maria cry but this was as much as she was ever going to be upset.

"Maria, he's fine," I said scooting over so she could sit down. She was really pale, her hands shook, and her lips had bite marks in it.

"I know...I know that but he just scared me. I thought he was going to kill himself, his brother Ben had to stop me from jumping in the window after him," her breath caught and she had to stop from crying.

"It's okay, I know how it feels. Grey feels it every time he lives me alone. That's why he got so mad at you when you took me into the forest," I said quickly and quietly not wanting the toughest girl I knew to break down and cry or the others to see her cry.

Maria just started nodded quickly while balling her hands to fist. She walked over to Cas and knocked him to the ground. Val and I gasped covering our mouths while Grey stood over Cas looking at Maria and Gavin holding onto Valerie. Cas fell out of surprise. The hit made his mouth bleed. He laid on the ground coughing up blood.

"Don't ever," she paused to make the shaking in her voice stop and Cas coughed,"don't you ever try to leave me. I will end you before you even think about it," she said and was gone.

She ran off towards the bus station.Cas coughed up some more blood, spit out a white vampire tooth, and stood up brushing blood off his mouth. He looked as confused as I felt. But the most confusion was why Grey had silver teeth but I knew I shouldn't say that even though I was thinking it. In the most serious situations I always have stupid questions.

"What was that?" He asked wiping blood from the corner of his mouth. Maria sure punched some sense into him.

"She told me you jumped out a window, she was all shaky, looked like she was going to cry," I said putting my hand in my pocket. Cas picked up the vampire tooth he spit out and wiped the blood from it. He stuck it in his pocket looking back up at me.

"Maria doesn't cry," he said.

"Well she was about to, instead of crying she punched the heck out of you," Grey said. He never cursed but said words that could stand for curse words.

"She told me never to leave her, what is that suppose to mean?" He asked smiling a little of his face turning red.

"Before you leave her, she'll kill you," Grey said,"Marcy you alright?"

"Huh, oh, ya I'm fine," my mind started to wonder to other things that I wasn't really sure of. Maria was so sure her and Cas would be together forever.

They were the perfect couple everyone wanted to be except for some problems, but were they really going to last? I looked to Grey, he was perfect for me. He really believed in us, but we were complete opposites. He was tough, I'm fragile. He doesn't think, and I over think.

Val and Gavin were perfect for each other. Both smart over thinkers. Maria and Cas were close with their humor but Cas had a temper that I don't see as much in Maria unless she's extremely upset. Me and Grey are complete opposites.

"Marcy," I looked up at Grey then looked around. Everyone else was gone except us.

"Where did everyone go?" I asked.

"I told them to leave, patrollers are coming out soon and I wanted to talk to you, what's on your mind?" He asked me. I was still sitting on the bench so I had to look up into his eyes.

"I'm just afraid we're not right for each other," I said slowly. He looked like I slapped him for a second then fixed his face expression.

"Why?" Was the only word he said. He looked a little hurt that I said it but didn't say why.

"Because," I swallowed,"because Gavin and Val are so much alike and so is Cas and Maria, we're so different, almost opposites," I explained looking down at my hand.

"I'm sorry if that's how you feel," he murmured.

"Grey, it's not that I don't like you..." I started but he cut me off.

"No, I don't like you. Marcy, I fell in love with you. I looked past our differences. I love you and would hurt myself before someone lays a hand you. I guess it's not the other way around," he still looked hurt turning, and walking away from me. I watched as he walked and walked getting smaller the further he walked. I stood there with tears spilling out my eyes unable to move to them, let alone breathe properly.

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