Chapter 28

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"Cas, are you alright?" Grey asked speaking in my head before coming into my room.

I sat on the floor beside the bed breathing hard and trying to throw all thoughts out my head. I never thought I could think so much that I just don't want to think anymore. Normally I'm the person that doesn't think enough.

"I'm fine," I said when he walked through my door.

He sat on the edge of the bed looking down at me,"I'm not happy with what you told Maria," he started trying to catch my eye. I looked away. He didn't need to tell me something I already know,"you didn't need to tell her she screwed someone else and got knocked up."

"I know," I said not looking at him.

"No, you don't know. You should see how hurt you made her. She's in the baby room crying right know holding that purple dog," he tried saying.

"I know," I said standing up.

"No, you don't know," he said coming at me with blue eyes. He ran at me full speed and banged my head against the wall making me get dizzy. He bit into the side of my neck making me get dizzy but still awake.

"Get off me," I kicked him and he fell over and didn't get back up right away. He went scrambling around in his pocket and came back with his inhaler.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to be like that," he said sitting on the floor holding his inhaler. I rubbed the bite marks on my neck. It was sore like when the doctor stuck you with a needle.

"I know I was being mean to Maria, but I figured out she is still talking to Jason. She asked me if I can trust her, but how can I? Please tell me how. You don't even know because I saw Marcy sitting in bed upset over you the other day," I said breathing heavy.

"You need to talk to her, like an adult. When you're done tell her I want to bite her," he said trying to make a joke out of it. I shook my head rubbing my neck.

"Fine,"I rolled my eyes and went to the baby room. I sat outside the door listening to Maria talk to the baby while she cried.

"Please stop crying," she pleaded as the baby cried louder,"shh. I just want to change your diaper," I heard something hit the wall. Probably the wipes box. She threw it in the hospital when she got upset,"you all hate me. You, your daddy, your real daddy, your uncle Grey, your auntie Val. They all hate me."

"What did I do?" She asked the baby sitting in the chair. She looked up to see me staring at her through the door. I walked in closing the door behind me while still messing with the bite marks on my neck.

"I see Grey bit you," she said wiping the tears from her face and looking at the box she threw across the room. I picked up Casey to keep her from crying then finished changing her diaper.

"He wants to bit you too, but he told me to talk to you. Maria I shouldn't have said that-"

"What that I screwed Jason and got knocked up? It's true though right," she said looking at the baby in my arms then looking down. I sighed looking away.

"It wasn't right for me to say it. I apologize," I said looking at Casey squirm in my arms.

"You're treating me like a person you have to be stuck with. You don't have to be stuck with me even though I am your mate," she said slowly.

"I'm not treating you like that. I love you, but I don't know if I can trust you," I said truthfully then heard a whistle. A whistle only us vampires can hear and humans think of a microphone breaking. I covered my ears and Maria did the same. The baby started crying. She actually started crying. She shouldn't be able to hear that unless she was a vampire.

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