Chapter 43

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Ian's Pov

"You don't have to understand. Just give me the gun," she stared at it confused on the floor until she finally kicked it over to me,"okay hunter, we need your help."

"Kaylee...kaylee is my name," I nodded at her just as Cassidy walked in. I growled at her. Kaylee's eyes widened,"you're a vampire too."


"Everyone's a vampire, how...I don't understand?" she closed her eyes and reopened them.

"Cas, she has vampire in her. She's turning right now. Someone bit her," I said watching her blood shot red eyes and crazy movement.

Grey growled and held her down while pulling her jacket off. On her shoulder was a bite mark that she scratched at.

"Get off me!" She screamed. Grey winced covering his ears and letting her go.

"Bow to me," he ordered standing his ground. She fought shaking her head until she sat on the ground and let her head drop with her hair cascading around her.

"I need to go, you give me updates later," I left the room to look for Cassidy. She was in the bathroom leaning over the toilet.

"Are you okay?" I asked putting my hand on her shoulder. She nodded but there up again,"do you want me to call Dr. Hall?"

"No, no I'm fine Ian," she shook her head at me then stood up and went to sit on the couch in the living room. I sat beside her.

"Cassidy Valric, will you go on a date with me?" I asked. Her eyes shot to mine and she laughed.

"Yes Mr. Lancaster, I will," I smiled and stood up, helping her up. I then frowned, listening to Cas's words in my head,"whats wrong Ian?"

"Nothing Princess, nothing," I shook my head and plastered a smile on my face even though questions flew through my head.

Is the baby going to be okay? Is she going to be okay? I can't stand to lose both of them? What if-. Stop Ian, she's a fighter. She's fine.

"I'm going to get dressed and I'll get Leah to help get you ready," I shrugged though it meant nothing to her, that sentence meant a lot to me.

I wasn't calling her mom anymore since I saw my mom. I was calling her Leah. Her actually name.

"Ian, your mom doesn't like me," her face turned pink while she looked down.

"I don't care."

"But I do Ian, that's your mom, the grandmother of our children, my mother-in-law," she started to list. I could feel my eyes getting darker with her words.

"She's not my mother," I snapped and walked away from her squeezing my fists.

"Ian, I'm not pregnant!" She yelled after me. I turned back to her, all my anger disappearing.

"What are you saying?" I asked going back to her,"you have to be, you threw up."

"No Ian, I'm still sick. That's the reason I threw up. Here listen, Missy," she called my assistant on my watch. I just stared at her.

"Yes Mrs. Lancaster?" She asked, her voice crackling.

"Can you please repeat the phone call I had with Dr. Hall?"

Missy answered by repeating the phone message. Something seemed wrong with Dr. Hall. He was stuttering like he was nervous. He was a doctor. He was never nervous. Why was he nervous now?

"In the background, I hear someone's voice. Someone's threatening him," Cassidy said,"thank you."

"You're welcome Miss," Missy said then ended the call.

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