Chapter 33

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Cas's Pov

There was sure going to be blood on my head and there was going to be bruises on my stomach after Grey kicking me in the stomach multiple times. I took each blow because I deserved them. I did kiss his mate after all. Even if I wanted to stop the beating I couldn't because he was the leader and if I was to hit him that would be challenging him. Another reason why I let him was because his eyes turned blue and he didn't know what he was doing.

"Grey," someone hissed under their breath. His eyes snapped behind him. There was a girl. She was maybe twenty. She had brown eyes and wore ratty clothes and her hair was full of dirt. She was so familiar yet I didn't know who she was.

"Stacy," Grey whispered to himself. Stacy smiled and disappeared to only be replaced with the witch I saw in the hallway. Her green hair was pulled out of her face showing her evil black eyes that seemed to go on forever like the gates of hell.

"Think again Grey, your precious Stacy won't be coming back to you. I need you both to get along and go to the principals office. I won't you to look real close at the television screen. The mayor has a speech," she laughed to herself from an inside joke.

I never understood why they called him a mayor. He was more like a dictator or a king that ruled everything. He wants to be the president but the vampires won't let him. Not after what he's done to our own little town called time.

"I don't understand," Grey said shaking his head and blinking his eyes to make sure she was there. She sure enough was there.

"Just do it young leader," she laughed again and disappeared. Grey looked at me on the ground rubbing my head. Sure enough there was blood.

"Let me help you up," he said. I swear he was being so bipolar at the moment. I let him help me up and limped down to the nurses office. The nurse was busy looking at her television and eating her lunch. When we knocked on her door she opened it, pointed to the cot, and turned back to watching TV.

I watched along with her like the witch said. It was the mayor giving his speech. He stood at his desk like a president with a black tuxedo on and a cup of tea in front of him. He cleared his throat before talking again and rubbing sweat on his pants but still trying to be professional. He was nervous.

"It seems that everyone outside of Time likes the way I run my city. It looks the president is stepping down and wants me to rule over us. Everything will be better with time. I agree that I will be the president," he paused looking at someone behind him,"I pledge that I will serve and protect every citizen in my country of Time."

Grey squeezed his hand in anger. The nurse looked just as mad cursing under her breath. The mayor then picked up his tea bringing it to his lips. Grey held his breath. After drinking it he smiled at the camera. His face started to turn red and he doubled over trying to breath. He choked for a couple minutes before putting his head down. Workers ran through the room trying to figure out what happened as the TV cut off showing technical difficulties.

"Yes!" the nurse jumped out her seat. She looked back at us and her face turned red in embarrassment,"excuse me. What can I do for you?"

"My friend got in an accident," Grey answered lying. The guilty look came to his eyes again. I shrugged it off then regretted it. There were probably bruises all down my arms.

"Some accident," she scoffed and went to work on my injuries.


Cassidy's Pov...One hourbefore. The mayors death plan.

"Are you sure you want to do it?" my friend Damien asked rubbing my arms from the chills. I shivered some more.

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