Chapter 22

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Valerie had to push me to the door so I would stop staring at Marcy. Once outside the door I growled at her, frustrated she knocked on the door.

"Hey, don't go growling at me," she said walking in front of me to the door,"I didn't call Cassidy."

"Her eyes weren't blue,"I said forgetting about not having a shirt but blowing it off pulling the door open anyways.

"What?" I answered ready to get back to Marcy.

"Well nice to you too young leader," she stood leaning against the side door.

Her black hair floating by the wind. She looked down at my bare chest and raised her eyebrows. I felt like a little kid ready to tell my parents to just leave.

"I sleep without a shirt, what are you doing her it two in the morning?" I growled annoyed by her boldness.

"I know you have a mate, don't forget that. I wanted to tell you that my sister came home in tears. If anyone hurt her I am not afraid to pull you apart and take your title," she threatened. I growled louder.

"I'll keep that in mind, bye Cassidy," I said slowly starting to close the door. She put her foot in it making me sigh and run my hands through my hair.

"My leader told me you need to hurry and get the mayor to change his mind or he's going to send in some vampires with military background to kill him," she said.

"Cassidy, he has to give us more time, the only thing we've done is watch him," I argued.

She shrugged,"is Cas here?"

"No,"I said suspiciously. Cas never hung out with Cassidy that I know off and he tells me everything even the first time he and Maria did it, and every time after that,"I don't think so."

"He left an hour ago," Valerie said.

"An unmarked talked to me earlier today, told me her eyes turned blue. He said he peeled, couldn't stay longer," she said forgetting about Cas and talking about Marcy.

"She's having trouble so can I get back to her?" I said ready to slam the door on her face.

"He said she told him to run, he heard it in his head," she repeated.

In his head, what did this guy mean?

"I don't know what you're talking about, I'll talk to her, and it wasn't my fault he tried to take my place," I argued almost jumping up and down so I can go back to my room.

"He's unstable, don't worry about him. No ones going to try it again since he saw her eyes, that is that I know of," she rolled her eyes.

"Cassidy, please," I begged,"Val, talk to her. I'll talk to you in the morning," I turned and started walking away.

"Fine, go back to your precious beta," Cassidy spat back. I walked back to her twitching a little from something I don't know.

I grabbed the shirt collar of the black shirt she wore and lifted it off the ground.

"Don't ever repeat that, she's more then my beta, she's my mate. She's mine," I growled and dropped her. Valerie looked at me like a monster and started backing away until she hit a wall.
Cassidy got up and ran speeding into the night.

"Grey," Valerie whispered.

"What?" I said not twitching anymore.

"Your eyes, they turned blue. What's wrong with you?" She asked me still a safe distance away.

"I don't know, I'm fine now," I shrugged.

"Hey, calm down. Marcy's always going to be there, you need to slow down," Valerie said holding her hands up in a stop motion. I looked at her as everything started to go black. I dropped at that moment that last thins I saw was Valerie running towards me.

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