Chapter 23

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"Are you still awake?" Marcy asked me leaning against me.

"Yeah," I whispered. I couldn't fall asleep. I was under the comforter and Marcy was on top with a blanket she took from her room. I lay with a shirt and sweatpants staring at the wall.

"Why aren't you tired?" She asked sleepily shifting in bed.

"I am, I'm sleeping now," I lied.

She cuddled back into me sleeping. I continued to stare at the wall in front of me.

Marcy started to fall back asleep while I stared at the wall. At some point Marcy moved and I pushed to the corner of the bed to give her more space.

"Grey," she whispered after more sleeping.

"Yeah," I whispered back moving my head so it was over her head.

"Why won't you sleep?" She asked.

"I'm not tired," I said kissing the top of her head.

"Grey, you don't have to be that far away from me," she said. I looked down at how I was laying. Marcy was in one side and I was on the edge of the other.

"You must've moved while sleeping," I lied again.

"Please just go to sleep," she said snuggling closer to me and falling asleep. For Marcy's sake I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Grey," she whispered in my ear. I couldn't feel my body but I knew I was in a dream. Marcy stood over me with no shirt on while I lay down on the bed. I could see myself move like I was in a different body standing away from myself.

Marcy pulled the shirt off Grey and He started kissing her. The kiss deepened more and more until both of their eyes were blue. Staring at each other, everything went black for a second and when the picture came back Marcy was laying in the cover without clothes and I was with her.

"Grey," Valerie shook me awake. I woke up sweating and looking down at my clothes. I still had my shirt and pants on, I then looked to Marcy, she wasn't in the bed.

"She went to time school," Valerie said noticing me looking for her.

"She went without me," I said a little disappointed.

"She told me you wouldn't sleep last night and you needed the rest, what was the dream about?" She asked.

"I didn't have a dream," I lied staying away from her eyes.

"You won't look me in the eyes and your sweating through you shirt," she observed.

"It was Marcy and I. We were sleeping and she woke me up leaning over me without a shirt, it went black and after that they were both asleep without clothes," I explained breathing heavily. I felt like I was going to hyperventilate. I swear I must be the only vampire with asthma.

"Grey, what are trying to do kill yourself, just breathe," Valerie said,"why are you so worked up?"

"Because we went too far and I couldn't stop it," I said.

"It's okay Grey, you'll learn to control it. Don't worry Maria and Gavin went with them to time school," she explained.

"I know, I know....she burned me," I winced in pain looking at the burn marks on my chest. It looked like two hands,"if I touched her..."

"Grey, you didn't, you were asleep," Val said sitting on the corner of the bed.

"But Val if I did I would kill myself before I hurt her," I said. Valerie's eyes widened as I said it but I meant ever word.

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