Chapter 10

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"Marc, do you even want to become one of us?" Grey asked me sitting on my bed.

"Grey I just need to think," I said sitting closely behind him. My skin tingled under my hoodie where he touched his arm.

"Marcy, I'll like you no matter if you're a vampire or not, but the thing is I can't lose you. I won't lose you," he said.

"You won't lose me," I said twirling a piece of lose string from off my hoodie.

"You can see that I'm still young. Only eighteen. Most leaders of their packs are in there thirties or at least twenties. A lot of vampires without packs want mine because it's easier to take over. Kill the young leader and get the winning prize. It's hard enough taking down one adult, but two and one on you is harder. I was going to give up my title right there if you didn't do that. You could've gotten killed and you can't heal or anything," he explained.

"Just a little more time, please Grey?" I asked.

"Alright, but you can't leave this warehouse until you do," he sighed.

"Deal," I smiled.

"Unless your mom says so," he added.

"Great," I said clapping my hands together.

"Great," he moved closer to me and took my face in his hands. He kissed me and then started kissing down my neck. I immediately tensed when he did it.

"Wait, Grey," I said trying to pull away from him.

"Hmm," he said.

"Don't do that," he pulled away from me then looked at my face. He immediately backed away from me.

"I'm sorry Marc," he apologized standing up and walking to the door. He leaned against the door.

"No, it's fine. It's just that when a vampire changes you, they bite your neck. I don't want that to happen yet," my face flushed.

He closed his eyes and nodded. When he opened his eyes his fangs came out.

"I need to go hunting," he said in this deep voice.

I nodded at him. He walked out and cracked the door behind him.

I laid down on the bed and jumped when the dog jumped beside me and fell asleep. It snored like a train.

I rubbed it's head and slowly started to fall asleep.

I had a dream about Grey changing me into a vampire. I could run like the wind, and jump above the trees. The only thing I didn't do was kill animals and drink their blood.

"Honey," someone whispered. I squinted open my eyes to see my mom sitting on the bed beside me.

"How are you?" she asked rubbing my head.

"Fine, except the fact that I got attacked today," I yawned and sat up in the bed.

"What! Who attacked you!?," she jumped off the bed and her fangs came out.

"No, no mom I'm fine see," I smiled. She didn't give in.

"Who Marcy?" she asked again putting her fangs away.

"Um, some vampires named Gary and Mike," I said thinking back. They were not going to be a good robbers if the use each other names.

"Grey!" she screamed.

A second later Grey came running through the door.

"Uh, Lacy, what do you want?" he said. She narrowed his eyes at her.

"I don't like your tone," she said. It sounded like the conversation we had tons of times when I went out and she called me.

"You're not my mom," he said back.

"Mom," I whined trying to get them to stop.

"I thought I told you to not let harm come to my daughter," she took leather gloves out her pocket and slid them over her hands.

"Lacy, how did I know someone would attack us?" he said.

"Come here," she gestured with her pointer finger for him to come closer to her.

He sighed and came closer to her. She took her hand and slapped him across the face. I gasped and ran to his side. He pushed me away.

"Marcy, I'm fine," he clenched his teeth in pain as I watched the handprint on his cheek disappear.

"Mom," I said looking back to her for and explanation. I didn't think she would take the swear seriously.

"Marc, it's just a punishment for vampires. We heal fast. That leather hurts us. My mom used to do it all the time," he shrugged looking not hurt at all.

"Bite me," I said pointing to my neck. My mom looked at me like I had two heads and Grey just stared at me,"You heard me."

"Marc, are you sure?" he asked.

"I just told you to do it. Do it before I change my mind," I touched my neck again. My mom nodded slowly.

He took my hand and led me to the bed. Was this the right choice or was I just upset with my mom for slapping him?

"You sure Marc?" he asked again.

"Is it going to hurt?" I asked instead.

He thought for a moment then answered,"I really don't know. It might hurt a little. Cas!" he screamed making me jump.

Cas was at the door staring at us confused.

"Go get me something out the fridge," Grey said. He put his fingers on my neck to keep me steady.

Cas nodded and was back holding something wrapped in towels in his hands. He couldn't stop from licking his lips.

I looked over and my mom was doing the same thing staring at it. She couldn't take her eyes of it. It wasn't hard to figure out exactly what it was.

Grey looked at my mom and Cas,"go get some more. Hurry up, you need to hold her down."

Cas ran through the door carrying two more bottle. He tossed one in my moms hand then pulled the top off his own. He swallowed the hole bottle and put it back on the counter then wiped his mouth.

My mom did the same but she was more carful with hers. She slowly drunk it and put the top back on and sat it on the dresser beside Cas's bottle.

"What is that for?" I asked making his fingers vibrate.

"You are going to feel pains in your stomach when I change you. You need the blood," his face flushed.

"Why does Cas have to hold me down?" I asked again.

He sighed and moved his fingers away from my neck.

"You're going to try to bite one of us," Cas answered for him.

"Marc, are you sure you want to do this?" Grey asked.

"Her name is Marcy for a reason, use it," my mom narrowed her eyes at him. He ignored her.

I nodded.

"Okay, no more questions," he moved his fingers back over his neck and gestured for Cas to come closer to me.
I immediately flinched from his closeness. Grey realized it then looked up at Cas then back at my neck. He looked nervous.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked even though he said no more questions.

"Didn't I say no more questions," he said in his deep voice. He slowly brought his mouth to my neck,"you know I've only did these once, right?"

"I didn't know that," I said looking up into his eyes. His teeth came out but he froze.

"Marcy," he whispered in my ear,"I fell in love with you," he said.

"What?" I said just as I felt something push through my neck.

Suddenly I felt drowsy and everything started to spin. My blood felt like it was spilling out my neck but I couldn't see anything because my eyes started to close no matter my protest for them to stay open.

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