Chapter 11

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"She's waking up," someone said near me. My head felt drowsy and my stomach felt like someone cut me open and took everything out then put me back together.

"Marc," Grey whispered in my ear. I felt something heavy. I pushed it off. It was probably the dog.

"Ouch, oh, you little..." the person was shushed before they could say something else. I wished I could see something.

"Marc, open your eyes," Grey whispered in my ear.

I slowly cracked my eyes open to see Cas and Brownie sitting on top of me. I tried to push him off but instead of sliding off me he went flying and hit the wall on the other side of the room.

My jaw dropped as I looked down at my hands. My skin was all pale and the tattoo on my wrist stood out. Six days and ten hours.

"You have to learn your strength," Grey said sitting beside me. I went to scratch my neck and found two marks that weren't there before. My eyes widened.

"I'm fine," Cas mumbled pulling himself off the floor.

"Your mom had to leave before someone got suspicious. She wants me to call her when you feel like talking," he said quietly. I had no idea why he was whispering.

"Why are you whispering?" I said in a normal voice. The sound immediately hit my ears and made me wince in pain.

"Your hearing is getting sharper and the yelling and normal talking is getting to you. Soon you will be able to talk normally, but for now this is how we will talk," he whispered just to me.

"Ouch," I grabbed my stomach as I felt the pain like a knife going through my it.

Grey sat staring at me but waved his hand around at Cas. Cas brought the bottle over to me and sat it beside me then moved away.

They were like waiting and watching for something to happen.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked eyeing the bottle. My voice sounded different. More like an animal then a human.

"You need to drink it," Grey twisted off the bottle and put it in my hand.

I brought it slowly to my mouth and drank two sips before I gave it back to him.

"I'm going to have to teach you how to hunt since you don't like what we have," he put the bottle back on the dresser.

"I'm fine," I whispered back to him.

The pain in my stomach was gone so I wasn't going to drink anymore then I had to.

"Here let me help you," he took my chin in his hands and pushed up. I immediately pulled away from him.

"Ow," I said in a regular voice then covered my ears.

"Well you kept staring at us like you were going to bite one of us. We need to at least put away the fangs. You should be able to pull them in and out by yourself soon," Cas explained.

Cas then moved to Grey and whispered something in his ear. The only word I could catch was mate.

Grey's eyes widened when he said it then tried to make his face expressionless.

"What happened?" I asked even though I knew.

"You need to learn how to control your voice," Cas said walking to the door,"if she starts licking her lips call me."

With that Cas walked out the door and was gone. Grey stood staring at me.

"Are you alright?" he asked me again.

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