Epilogue :(

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Cassidy's Pov

"Evan, Kayla, please come down for dinner," I called while mixing the pasta in the pan.

It's been seventeen years since Ian got shot. Seventeen years since Emma Whitman came out with us being vampires. Seventeen years of hiding from the world.

Our names were name Cassidy and Ian Lanzone. Evan was now seventeen and Kayla was twenty one and going to college. Grey had a son which he named Garret after his father. Casey is now seventeen also while Gabby, Cas and Maria's new baby is sixteen.

Jason and Anna have their daughter May along with Tyler their son. Valerie and her mate Gavin had twins, Isaac and Iliana. They're only fifteen.

"I'm here mom," Kayla called walking down the stairs. She had a pencil behind her ear and a book in her hands like always. My daughter was a bookworm.

"Where's Evan?" I asked putting the bacon and eggs on a plate for her. She shrugged still looking down at the book.

"You know he was skipping school he probably has a hangover," she spoke just like Valerie.

I frowned and turned back to the food. Evan started to go downhill when he finally understood why we were hiding at the age of fourteen. We tried to hide it from him as long as we could. When he hit sixteen, he started smoking and drinking. I talked to Ian about it but he always said that he would grow out of it. Ian was like that after all.

"Hello baby," Ian wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the top of my head. I snuggled into his touch.

"Eww, I'm glad I'm looking down at my book," Kayla stuck her tongue out at us. She had yet to find her mate yet.

"And I'm glad everything's too blurry to see anything," Evan stumbled down the stairs with his hair and mess and still in the clothes he wore yesterday.

I frowned at him and looked back at Ian willing him with my eyes to talk to his son. He turned from me like he always does. I pushed away from him and continued cooking. He sighed behind me and leaned against the counter top. Kayla looked between us. She knew we were stressed about Evan. Whenever she would try to fix it, Evan would just come out and tell her she's not his real sister making her cry.

"Evan," Kayla said quietly. He turned to her and narrowed his eyes.

When they were younger, Kayla and Evan got together well. Now, Evan doesn't like to be bothered by family. The only people he hung out with were his friends who I thought were a bad influence in him. He didn't care what I said though. He didn't listen to his own moms opinions.

"What?" He asked sitting on the hair in front of the island. We all watched him carefully.

"I just wanted to talk to you about your recent studies, it seems you-"

"Look Kayla, I don't need you talking about my grades. Why do you say studies anyways? You're such a nerd. That's why you haven't found your soul-mate yet," he rolled his eyes and stuck a fork through the pasta on his plate.

Kayla's eyes watered and she looked at me before slamming the book on the table and walking out the room. I hated when Evan threw the whole mate thing at her. It wasn't right to talk to her about it. Most of her friends have found their mates and she's the only one left. I tried to tell her that I meet my mate late but she didn't care. Evan just threw it in her face whenever he could.

"Evan, don't talk to her that way. She's your sister," I didn't turn around to know that he was rolling his eyes at me.

"She's not even my real sister. I don't understand why you have her anyways," when I turned around he was narrowing his eyes at me. His fangs showed through his bottom lip.

I slammed the spatula against the counter making the metal crack into pieces. He didn't even flinch,"I was dying Evan. What did you want me to do? I'm still dying. Do you just want me to die and leave you alone? Is that what you want? Can I grant you that wish?" I asked loudly. The smile dropped from his face as I was talking.

I never told Kayla or Evan that I was dying. I just didn't think they needed to know. This was the first time Evan was hearing about it. Ian stared at me from across the table.

"Mom, I didn't know that," he spoke quietly while his eyes softened. I turned away from him growling under my breath.

"Don't call me mom. You haven't done that since you were fourteen," I hissed under my breath trying to act nice but failing at it.

I didn't have to turn around to know that the front door slammed shut. I sighed and turned back to Ian. He was busy sneaking a piece of bacon from Evan's plate to notice me looking at him. When he turned to me he raised his eyebrows.

"Ian, I just don't know what to do with him anymore," I ran my hands through my hair stressed. Evan used to be so sweet and now he was acting like this. What could I really do to change that?

"Don't worry Cassidy. It's going to be okay. Like I said, he'll grow out of it," he kissed my forehead and turned back to the food.

"Ian, you're getting old. Your hairs turning grey," I laughed under my breath. He frowned holding the bacon close to his mouth.

"I am not. You'll have grey hair before I do. At least I'm still young," he stuck the bacon in his mouth and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Young alright," I stuck my tongue out at him just as Kayla came back in the room.

I had to do a double take of her. Ian did the same then stared at me with an open mouth. Instead of my sweet brown haired child I saw moments ago, this one has pink highlights in her hair, tight black skinny jeans, and a blue tank top. The pencil on her ear was gone replaced with diamond earrings.

"Mom, can you tell me how you meet dad?" She asked sitting on the counter top. I looked down at the heels she wore and nodded slowly.

I started smiling remembering my famous story about me and my dear mate.

"It all started out with poison," I started. Ian laughed at me and continued to eat.

Evans Pov

I hid in the corner of the hallway listening to my parents talk about me. I knew I shouldn't have said Kayla wasn't my sister but it just came out my mouth. It was true though. I was still a little dizzy from the hangover but otherwise I was capable of hearing my mothers conversation with Kayla.

"It all started out with poison," she started then laughed no doubt turning back to my father. I've never heard this story before,"your grandfather wasn't the best person. I had to take the job of killing him. I poisoned him, but I didn't know he had a son. After he died and his son went onto Tv, I left. Going home, an idiot without classes hit me with a car and changed my life forever."

"...Changed my life forever..." My mothers words echoed in my head. I didn't need a mate. What was the point of a mate anyways? They couldn't change me.

I looked out at the kitchen one more time before walking out the door. I got into my car and drove out to the club. I didn't care where I was going honestly. When I walked into the club, most women's eyes were on me. I wasn't ugly. Honestly I thought I was pretty good looking and the women thought I looked like a god.


Thanks for reading the end. The next book is already up. Its called The vampires time stalker. It follows Evan and Kayla, along with their cousins and friends. I hope you read the second book. Thanks again.


The end.

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