Chapter 38

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Ian's Pov

I sat outside the room leaning on the wall. Four hours. Four long hours. The doctor said I could've lost her. She's been so heavily drugged and hardly ate I could've lost both of them.

I was going to fire him right on the spot but Maria reminded me that he was only doing the job I payed him to do.

"Ian," Maria called my name while coming out the room. My eyes snapped go hers,"for the president of the Us and Time you sure get nervous," she chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. That meant Cassidy and the baby was okay.

"She's fine, just sleeping," she assured me while putting her hand on my arm. Behind her Cas growled at me. She lowered her hand and looked back at him.

I ignored them both and pushed open the door to my room. Cassidy was asleep on the bed with a crib beside her. Her hair was stuck to her forehead with sweat.

I looked at her one more time before moving on to look at the baby crib. There was my child that still had no name.

A boy with black hair and dark brown eyes. He looks just like Cassidy except the brown eyes. He had my cheeks though.

"His name?" Cassidy asked making me jump. I thought she was asleep.

"You pick the first name, I'll pick the middle," I suggested and sat beside her on the bed. She grabbed my hand and held it tightly.

"Evan," she whispered to herself then looked to me. I nodded smiling.

"Evan Conner," I raised my eyes brows. She nodded and then frowned,"whats the matter baby girl?"

"You can't show him to the public. It hasn't been nine months. What are we going to do?" She asked. There was a frightened look on her face. I growled. They were not going to take my mate or my child. They would have to get past me first.

I walked over to her and hugged her,"its okay, let me figure it out."

"Mr. President, can I talk to you about something?" The doctor asked me coming back into the room. The look on his face made me freeze up.

I nodded and looked at Cassidy one more time before standing up and walking to the door. The doctor sighed watching me.

"Ian, do you remember that vaccine I gave you when you were younger?" He asked. I frowned.

When I was thirteen he snuck into my room and stuck a towel in my mouth and stuck me with a needle. Of course being me, I cried and asked why. He told me it had to be done and he knew what I was. I didn't tell my father and hid the mark the needle left behind.

"I remember, but what does it have to do with this?" I asked. His face was oddly serious. I've never seen him so serious before.

He sighed again,"being what you are. Vampires have these sicknesses they can get if not for certain antibiotics. I knew it and gave you them. Cassidy didn't have them because she was forced to be in hiding. After years of having it and not knowing and not going to doctors it has gotten worse."

"What are you saying Dave?" I asked grabbing onto his shirt. I think it was the only thing keeping me up.

"I'm sorry Mr. Lancaster but what she has, she could die from it. I would have to test her but I'm certain she has it," before die even left his lips I crashed to the ground.

It felt like someone was carving out my heart. It was getting hard to get air into my lungs.

"No, no no," I kept repeating. Dave leaned in front of me. There were tears running down my face.

"What's going on?" I looked up through blurry eyes at Grey. I couldn't care less if anyone saw me cry.

Dave stood up and talked with Grey about what happened. After that he looked at me and walked down the hallway.

Grey leaned down in front of me. He bit his lip trying to think of something to say that would calm me down. I don't think anything would calm me down now. I felt like I was dying.

"I didn't know she didn't get the injection, honestly. We all got it," he shook his head making hair fall down into his eyes. I wiped my face and hit the ground with my fists.

"I don't understand," I said stopping after my fists started to ache.

Grey ran his heads through his hair,"just go talk to her."

I nodded and stood up walking back into the room. Cassidy frowned at me as I went and sat beside her wrapping my arms around her. She kept silent.

"You've been crying," she whispered slowly. More silent tears fell down my face.

Get some man parts and tell her Ian. She has to know. It doesn't mean she will die. It doesn't.

"Cassidy the doctor just told me that you have a sickness that you could die from," I stuttered. She looked at me then the baby crib. Her eyes instantly filled with tears.

I hugged her tighter into me. We stayed like that forever in each other's arms. I couldn't keep track of time or the tears that ran down my arm from her eyes.

"Ian," she said after awhile of silence. I looked down reaching her tear stained face. It just broke my heart more,"I reject you Ian Lan."

I covered her mouth. She looked up at me with sad eyes,"you're not dead yet. Don't reject me. I love you Cassidy."

"Ian, what about Evan?" She asked shaking her head.

"You'll be fine Cassidy, you get some sleep and I'll be right here," she nodded and laid back in my arms. I continued to hold her while she closed her eyes trying to sleep.

What would I do without my angel?

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