Chapter 25

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"Breathe... Breathe," I heard someone repeat as my hearing started to come back. I was swimming in darkness for so long surely I was dead and dreaming for the last time.

"Grey, open your mouth," I heard the same boy say again. Slowly I opened my eyes gasping still unable to breathe and clawing at my throat.

"Calm down. Move your hands," Cas said holding something in his other hand. I moved my hands gripping the side of his shirt tightly I thought it was going to rip off in my hands.

He stuck something in my mouth. My inhaler. It must've been in my pocket. Once able to breath again I sat on my knees gasping in air. So relieved I could breathe again. Cas sat on the elevator floor staring at me still holding the inhaler.

"You could've killed yourself," he murmured looking at the ground now.

"I didn't mean to tell you that," I said slowly still liking the feeling of air in my lungs.

"I deserved it. Truth to be told none of us really listen to you even if you are leader. We've all been walking over you," he admits quietly not looking up at me.

"I still shouldn't have told you I would've left you to be unmarked. You know I wouldn't do that," I said still looking at him leaned against the back of the elevator wall.

"I am unmarked, see no mark," he gestured to his neck. Since Cas was a vampire I didn't bite him or Valerie or Maria because I didn't see the need to and just stated they were in my group. Technically they are unmarked while Marcy's my beta and I'm leader.

"I'm going to make you all my betas. Make sure you all are at the meeting," I said standing to my feet.

"I'm going with you to the warehouse," he said standing up but still not looking me in the eye.

"You don't have to," I said pushing the lobby button.

"Grey you f*ing just died on the floor. Don't tell me what to do," he said back waiting until the elevator opened to get out. I followed him out and to the street.

"Well since I can't tell you to do anything can I ask you something?" I asked still walking to the bus stop. Its literally been bothering me all day since Cassidy asked.

"Shoot," he said.

"Are you talking to Maria's sister?" I asked. He froze looking down then looking back at me with a red face.

"Who told you that?" He asked instead of answering me.

"Cassidy," I murmured starting to walk again.

"I admit I've been talking to her, but not the reasons you think. I'm trying to see if I can get closer to the mayor and she would be able to help me," he shrugged.

"Cas, I don't know what came over me, I heard you talking to my sister and she told you to talk me into letting go of my title, I can't let it go," I said shaking my head and waiting for the bus to come around the corner. Once it came we both boarded the bus and sat in the front.

"I would never tell you to and you know that," he stated looking at me through blonde curls,"not that I know why you want to be leader. Marcy can't stand you being leader. You have to think about her, she's your mate. She had unmarked vampires coming after her."

"I know."

"No, you don't know. Marcy is scared to death. She has to watch her back wherever she is. At school, working, walking down the street, on the bus, even sleeping," he said trying to make me understand. I do love Marcy but I can't just give up my spot,"One day you won't be there and you won't be able to protect her."

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