Chapter 2

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"What do you mean the time stalkers are watching us?" I chased her around the house as she went around straightening furniture and dusting tables.

"It means that some people are not following time. You're one of them if you know it or not. They are called time police, not stalkers," she stopped for a second and took my wrist in her hands. She pulled off my watch and put on a newer one.

This one was shiny and black with a silver band. It stung when she put it on. It felt like going to the doctor and getting a shot. A little bit of blood dropped down my wrist.

"I'm sorry but your father and I have talked and it's for your own good," she sighed and walked away. I stared at her back then started watching the blood drip on the brown carpet.

I walked back in my room and sat staring at the watch. It was like a little computer. It had bus schedules, bed times, and menu schedules. It even had a needle to remind me to do things.

After staring at it for ten minutes, I opened my window and climbed down the tree. I went and sat beside the lake shore. After awhile I heard rustling in the bush beside the house.

A dirty blonde boy with curly hair and freckles came out the bushes and sat beside me. For some reason I wasn't running away and screaming. I guess I got use to having weird people come into my room.

"Looks like they gave you the new watch," he nodded his head to the watch.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly.

"My names Cas, with a C. You already met Maria and Grey. He has a thing for ya. You haven't met Valeria yet. You have to meet her at the meeting," he explained. He had this accent that made him move his hands around so his dirty blonde hair curled around his ears.

"What meeting?" he looked at me like I was a little crazy.

"It's tomorrow night. We have a warehouse down on five time clock street. Right now I'm only in your dreams. You're about to wake up. Be there at bed time and don't let anyone see you," he started to rush. His picture faded as my new watch buzzed and stuck a needle in my arm.

It continued to buzz until I was in bed and asleep for real.

After awhile I felt someone playing with my hair. The persons hands were sweaty and had cuts in them but they were gentle as the person inspected each piece of my hair.

I got out of bed. Standing in front of me was the boy who turned into a bird.

"Grey," I said yawning.

"Marcy, I wanted to make sure Cas told you everything. He can be a little immature," he shrugged. My face burned.

"He told me to be at the warehouse at bed time. How will I be able to do that with this watch?" I showed him the new watch on my wrist.

"Cas told me they changed it. I can't believe they are going through all this because of us," he looked flattered. He took the watch and ripped cloth off the bottom of his shirt. He pushed it under the needle of the watch.

"You should get by on that but you have to start following time in order to get by with it," he stared at the floor instead of me.

"Grey, how come I never see you during the day time? I've seen Maria, but not you or Cas," I stared up at him.

"That's changing tomorrow. Your parents are going to tell you about time classes. You have to go to them before your job and all three of us will be in many of your classes," he smiled.

"Okay," I nodded.

"Wake up," he whispered and traced his thumb down my cheek. I started to feel the blanket against my neck,"I've been keeping an eye on you."

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