Chapter 5

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Grey's Pov

"Grey, are they coming after me?" she asked. She held my hand tightly and looked behind her every now and then. I knew she was scared because I was mentally shaking. I could be the leader of my little pack but still be afraid of the dark and what's there that I can't see.

I've been locked up for so long. I almost died in that dark prison. They knew what I was when my parents were first locked up. I was around nine or ten when it happened. The police barged in the small house we had and took my parents. The social worker came in to try to talk to me and my sister but I just kept screaming.

They thought I was crazy so I was taken to talk to a phycologist. Mrs. Malinda talked to me and figured out some of my darkest secrets.

My dad was the leader of us and his pack, when he died the title was left to me. When I got out, they watched me without my knowing and then put me in jail. They didn't give me blood but left me to die just like my parents.

I escaped through a hole in the roof. I flew up and hid. I found my sister awhile later and we stuck together.
I've always been too young to be the leader. My sister knows that and Cas knows it too no mater how much they support me. Being leader is the only thing I have left to connect me to my dad. I wouldn't give up the spot over my dead body, but that's how it works. Someone kills me and they get my spot, or I have children and my son gets the title.

My sister always wanted me to give up on being leader. She's to smart for her own good. We may be twins but we're nothing alike.

I may be afraid in the dark and scary forest but I wasn't losing Marcy and I would not let my spot be taken away.

"Grey," she nudged my shoulder. I must've been day dreaming like I usually do when I walk through the forest alone. Nothing bad can happen in a day dream.

It was hard for me to explain to her that everyone's after her to hurt the young pack leader. They want my spot so to hurt me, they want her. I don't care about much except my sister and Cas. He's like a brother to me no matter how many fights we get in.

Marcy will always be on top though. She's like a fragile glass doll where Cas and Val are as tough as nails.

"Marcy, everyone's after you. I would tell you to stay with me so I can protect you, but your parents would turn me in or you in. Other vampires want my spot but I won't give it to them. The fastest way to hurt me is to hurt you," I explained. She nodded with a little confusion curling her eyebrows together.

"So someone might hurt me," she said. She held my hand tighter without realizing it. I wanted to tell her over my dead body but that would just freak her out.

"Marcy, does one of your parents have a hard time following time," she seemed to think about it for awhile then it clicked in her head.

"My mom. She told me she had to make sure I followed time. She has some trouble following time, but since she got a new watch, she hasn't been having trouble," she bit her lip when she was nervous. I guess walking in the dark made her nervous.

"One of your parents could be a vampire too. When I bit you I could feel it in your blood, you are not a full vampire because both your parents have to be one," I concentrated on every step I  made until I was out of the forest. She rubbed the spot on her neck even though it wasn't there.

I shouldn't have bit her. It wasn't my choice but hers. She was still a little dizzy and I should've gotten Cas to get blood instead of giving her mine.

She's afraid of blood. That's going to be a bad thing when she fully turns because she has to have at least three bottles of it a day.

"You need to talk to your mom. I can help you explain but she might be able to help you more. I'm not a girl and it is different and harder for a girl to turn into a vampire," I explained. She looked a little scared so she held onto my hand so it felt like it was breaking. I didn't mind though.

"Okay," she nodded.

"Marcy, is there something wrong?" I stopped and looked around me. I even closed her ears and screeched into the dark. There was nothing around us for at least two miles, but that could easily change because vampires move fast.

"Grey, if I wasn't part vampire or had this timer. Would you still want to be with me?" she asked.

"Marcy if you don't want to be with me, you don't have to," I said instead. I continued walking. She walked a little behind me.

"I don't want to fall in love with a person because of a stupid timer. I want to fall in love because that person loves me. I'm going to ask again Grey, would you like me without the timer?" the sentence sounded mean but she said it softly.

I turned her around and pulled her up to me. I brought my lips to hers and she relaxed in my arms. I let go of her and we started walking again. The only sound was our shoes crunching the dead leaves, her heavy breathing, and my obnoxious thoughts in my head.

"Here's your house," I watched her go in the house then sat and waited. I screeched into the night and only sensed the normal people in the neighborhood, but then it happened.

Someone screeched back. I sat confused for awhile then decided it could be her mom if I was right or it was a fragment of my imagination.

I decided to run back to the warehouse. It took me a good couple of minutes until I closed the door and went back to our hiding spot. Cas probably went home with Maria, but Valerie was still here and I had some questions for her no matter how embarrassing they might be.

I walked into the closet. She sat on the floor with her eyes closed like she normally does. I don't know why she does it but she does.

"Grey you're back," she said and opened her eyes. She didn't get worried much, but when it came to me I was always like her little brother instead of her twin brother.

"Val, what happens to girls when they change?" I sat on the floor beside her. She didn't seem at all embarrassed by the question.

"Well, you know girls lose blood a lot right," she said. She tried not to laugh at me. My face probably turned green.
I nodded my head slowly.

"They just have more trouble adapting than the boys. They have more pain and need a lot more blood," she explained. She kept a straight face the entire time.

I nodded again.

"Is this about Marcy?" she asked.

"It might be. Someone is after her. She needs to be able to protect herself and I need to be able to protect her," I played with my hands in my lap.

"Okay. I think I'm going to lay down for awhile," she got up and walked deeper into the room.

"Okay," I waited for awhile until she laid down. We didn't have to sleep but she always wanted to feel normal.

I waited a little longer until I closed my eyes and concentrated on Marcy. All of a sudden I was sitting in her room. She was sound asleep drooling on her pillow. I thought about waking her but I decided to try and see about her mom.

I walked through the house until I found her mom. She had long dark hair, brown eyes, and eyelashes that curled on her own. She looked almost nothing like Marcy.

She laid in the bed beside her husband but never fell asleep.

All of a sudden something huge lumbered by the door I was hiding behind. It was a mixture of fur, muscle, and drool.

"What's wrong Brownie," she cooed.

The fur settled down at her feet jumping up and down. She got out the bed and rubbed his head. More drool dropped down his chin.

Brownie was a gigantic brown and black dog. It didn't look like any animal I've ever seen before. This must be new because Marcy never mentioned a monster dog.

"Sh sh Brownie you'll wake everyone up," she whispered and put her hand up to her mouth. I got a memory of my mom doing the same thing when I was younger.

She would put her in finger to her mouth and smile.

"Whose there?" Marcy's mom jumped up in bed. I must've made a noise. I slowly came from behind the door and stood staring at her. My mouth dropped as I got a closer look at her.

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