Chapter 40

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Ian's Pov

"Sir, you have to tell me what you're looking for," the woman behind the counter said still having that fake smile plastered on her face. She was really agitated with me at the moment.

I was at a ring store. Time Jewelers specifically. I've been looking at wedding rings, but nothing really looks like Cassidy. I've always seen the same thing. Too shiny, too big, too distracting, too weird looking, too many wedding rings to choose from.

I wanted to marry her now even if we are still pretty young. I'm twenty one and she's twenty. If something were to happen to her before...No... Nothing was going to happen to her.

"Mr. Kent," She called. I was dressed as a normal person with loose fitting jeans that didn't fit as well as my dress pants, and a red polo shirt with a hat covering my hair and parts of my face.

I didn't want people to be judging me. I didn't want the paparazzi to know it was a ring store... I even went as far as getting on the Time bus and not my precious car. I'll remember to get new buses when I start changing things. Especially the cranky bus driver that was mad at me for being five seconds late. It wasn't my fault. It's in my nature to be late. I'm a vampire after all.

Like Cassidy said, I don't drink blood much. Only enough to stay alive. I don't show my fangs much. I only growl when I get mad or agitated or when someone interrupts me. I'm not much of a vampire yet I'm still in that category.

"Sorry, can I see that one?" I pointed to another one. She sighed, put the old one away, and took out the new one. She stopped looking at price ranges six rings ago. I could tell I was getting on her nerves but I needed the perfect ring.

"Here you are sir," she handed it to me. I let the light shine over it. I frowned. It was too girly for Cassidy. It was just one giant diamond ring with two smaller by it's side and many of them around the silver band.

"N-" I got cut off by my phone ringing. I turned around bringing the phone to my ear. Leah was breathing heavily making me wince from the noise.

"Ian, I need you to get back here now. I just called Dr. Hall but she refuses to talk to him. She only wants to talk to you. She kicked me out the room and I don't know what to do," she talked really fast causing me to miss what she was saying but I got what she was talking about. Something was wrong with Cassidy.

"I'm coming, just give me a second," I turned back to the woman. She was busy cleaning the ring,"just give me the ring. I want that one."

She looked at me shocked and looked down at the price tag on the ring. Her eyes bulged out. It was clearly an expensive ring

"Sir, the ring is a lot of money," she eyed me up and down. I was wearing some clothes borrowed from Cas. They were the only pair of jeans he had and they didn't even fit him,"it's a million."

I didn't even break a sweat. It was only a million. I've wasted more money on clothes. I guess I was a rich kid like Cassidy said. I took the hat off my head. My hair fell down into my eyes. I haven't got it cut since Cassidy went missing. I didn't think it was important to shower at that moment. Leah had to lock me in the bathroom without my phone. She wouldn't give it back until I took a shower. I had no other choice. I needed my phone to see if they found Cassidy so of course I took a shower.

"Mr. President," she said quietly then looked down at the ring. She was probably thinking about Cassidy. If she saw the show we had, she was probably thinking other things,"is she that sick?" she asked quietly then shook her head. Her face turned pink from embarrassment," I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that."

"She's pretty sick, I'm going to give you some money. I don't want this to leak out to the public," I watched her ring up the ring. After she took a code off my watch for the card I handed her more money.

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