Chapter 4

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"Marcy look at me," Grey held my head. I started up at him lazily. It actually felt good to have no feelings. I couldn't feel his hands on my face and the grass on my back. I couldn't feel the stinging blood on my wrist or the coldness of the air.

"She lost a lot of blood," Grey put his hand on my neck. That was the only thing I could feel.

"We can't help her, she's not a vampire," Cas leaned down over me too. He looked a little concerned even if he didn't like me.

"Do you trust me?" Grey asked. Cas elbowed him. He narrowed his eyes at him then looked back at me.

I tried to nod but it just came out as an eye roll.

"I'm going to take that as a yes," he brought his lips to my neck. I felt a needle punch into my skin. Instead of the dizzying feeling I felt when the guy did it I felt like someone was giving me energy back.

"That's enough," Cas pulled him away from me, all of a sudden his face was pale and his fangs showed through his mouth.

I got up a little dizzy. My head was a fuzzy cloud of nothingness.

"Are you alright? What happened?" Grey asked. He leaned back on his arms in the grass.

"I should ask you the same thing, you look like a sheet," I scooted closer to him.

"I'm fine what about you?" he asked again.

"Some guy came out the bushes and trampled me. He bit me and that's when I saw Cas," I took deep breaths. All of a sudden I wanted to get up and run around. Dance or sing. It was like I had all the energy in the world.

"You probably feel invisible. You will only feel like that for awhile unless you two are together," Cas looked at the grass now.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked Grey. He also took deep breaths.

"I gave you some of my blood. You know vampires have to have blood to live. I'll be fine when I get some more," I must've gave him a frightened look,"don't worry, we drink animal blood."

"I'm good, but who was that?" Cas took a deep breath of the air and his eyes turned red.

"The time stalkers heard the scream, they'll be here soon. We can hide out in the warehouse basement. Come on let's go," Cas led us back to the warehouse. I stumbled because my mind was still a little cloudy and Grey stumbled because he lost blood.

Once we got in the warehouse I could see Valerie walking in circles and Maria holding a water bottle in her hand. It wasn't water in it, but some red liquid.

"Let's get in the basement," Cas led everyone to the basement and we dropped through a tunnel. We walked awhile then stopped in front of another door and went in. Maria locked the door and everyone sat on the floor.
Grey waved his hand to Maria. She handed him the bottle she held and he drank it. Some dropped down his chin and I realized exactly what it was. I was still dizzy but that just made it worst.

"You okay?" he asked me when he was done. He didn't look so pale anymore.

"Um, ya I'm fine," I couldn't take my eyes off the bottle he handed back to Maria. Instead of that dizzying feeling I first felt, I felt pain in my stomach that made me want to hunch over and curl into a ball.

"You sure?" he asked again. He got closer to me.

I nodded. I couldn't talk and the pain in my stomach was unbearable.

"Let me see your neck," he got closer to me.

I think I nodded but it kinda came out as a shake and nod.

"Okay," he said with concern flooding his eyes. He got closer to my neck,"this is going to hurt a little,"he pushed into my neck where the vampire bit me. It started to burn and then the pain started to go away.

"What, what was that?" I asked. I clenched my teeth trying to stop my stomach from twisting into knots.

"I took away the mark. It wasn't my mark," he moved back to where he was sitting.

Cas whispered something under his breath. Grey nodded and got up. He walked around the small room and opened a refrigerator. He came back and sat beside me holding a silver flask. He put it towards my face. I didn't have to guess what it was because I could smell it. It just made my stomach growl and twist more.

"Here," he put it to my face.

"I'm fine," I shook my head. The blood made my stomach boil but it made my head dizzy.

"A wannabe vampire afraid of blood, what a great combination," Cas rolled his eyes.

I took the bottle from Grey and looked at Cas the entire time I brought it to my mouth. I took two long sips and couldn't stop drinking it. It went down to my stomach and made the knots disappear. When there was no more I took my fingers and ran them over my mouth. I had two pointed teeth where my other teeth were small and even.

"What did the vampire look like?" Cas asked. He still had his arms crossed.

"I didn't get that good a look at him. It was dark and he was kinda crushing me, but he did whisper something in my ear," I narrowed my eyes trying to remember exactly what he said.

"What did he say?" Grey asked. He bit holes in his lip. He looked like he was upset.

"He said that he was lucky because he caught the leaders soulmate," I remembered the way he talked and took tiny bites out of my ear. I touched my ear and sure enough there were holes in it.

"Let me see your ear," Grey came over and rubbed over my ear. I shivered.

"Are you cold?" he whispered just to me.

I shook my head no.

"It's about time to go home. We do have school tomorrow. C'mom, let's go home," he took my hand and pulled me off the floor. He waved behind us then pulled me out the door.


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