Chapter 39

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I watched her get her blood taken. I held Evan in my arms waiting for the testing to be over. Dave took her blood first then did other testings and left the room. Only two weeks since she gave birth and it seems like she's falling apart.

Her hands were starting to sweat. We were both nervous, hopping she wouldn't have it. Wishing and begging she wouldn't have it.

"Ian," she looked at me again after rubbing sweat on her pants.

I turned away from her. I was still mad at her attempt to reject me,"yes Cassidy?"

"Can I hold him?" She asked. I handed her Evan. She wiped the hair off his face.

Dave walked in holding a clip board. He looked up at me then looked back at the ground like there was something interesting there.

"I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster," he started. Already there were tears running down Cassidy's face. I went behind hugging her tightly,"I would like to give you an antibiotic to help the healing process. It's like the sickness formed a mass and is in your left leg. We'll try to fix it but it's going to be hard being what you are."

"Thank you," I said slowly so the emotion wouldn't mess up the sentence.

"Just hold your arm out Mrs. Lancaster," Cassidy held her arm out for him. He wrapped a rubber band around her arm and stuck the needle in pushing some type of medication into her,"I want to keep and eye on you so there will be many times we'll meet here. Most people will think other things about it."

Cassidy cleared her throat,"th...thank you."

"Feel better," he said and left the room. I strapped Evan into his car seat and helped Cassidy out.

We walked out of the hospital. As soon as we did there were cameras snapping our pictures. I blocked the light from my eyes and moved Cassidy to the car while trying to block them.

In the car we started to drive home. Sometimes it sucked being the president over the Time country.

When we got back to the house Cassidy put the baby back to sleep and went to take a nap herself. I sat in my office at my desk.

There was an email in my in-box. I opened it up. There were pictures of Cassidy and I walking out the hospital. I growled at the captions underneath.

Is the new presidents soul-mate pregnant or can she not have children? Looks like she was crying outside the hospital while baby sitting someone's child.

I growled shutting down the computer. Stupid press. I got up going back to my room. Cassidy was asleep. I turned going back into the living room.

"Okay...okay do it," Cas said. I made Dr. Hill come and give them all new injections. Cas was surprisingly afraid of needles.

"Oh Cas, grow some and get it done," Maria said slapping him in the back of the head. He growled at her, momentarily distracted while Dr. Hall stuck the needle in his arm.

He growled out and moved away from him after it. I rolled my eyes at them. Grey sat beside Marcy while messing with her hair. She laughed at something he said then looked at me.

There was probably jealousy burning behind my eyes. Why couldn't my life be easy like that and I didn't have to worry about being the president of Time or having a sick mate?

"How was it?" Grey asked me. I frowned and sat on the couch as the answer.

"I'm fine, he's overreacting," Cassidy said coming down the stairs. I frowned again. She was suppose to be sleeping.

When she walked down the stairs she had a slight limp in her left leg. I frowned at her. Dr. Hall caught it also.

"How are you Cassidy?" He asked looking down at her leg. She only shook her head and sat on the couch leaning on me.

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