Chapter 18 (part 1)

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"I hope we're on time," Val said getting off the bus. Marcy patted her on the shoulder and she calmed down.

We walked to a restaurant down the street while Val checked her watch again.

"This is the restaurant I work at," Marcy murmured to herself.

"I hope they sell ribs, I haven't ate one of those in a long time," I sighed beside her ear. She shivered,"are you cold?"
She shook her head.

"Geern," someone said. I turned around but it didn't sound much like my name.

Sure enough a guy was staring at me. It was the same guy that I fought at Marcy's house the night I kissed her. My face burned a little bit.

"My names Grey," I said. Marcy, not noticing him, walked away to talk to Val. They walked into the restaurant.

"I don't care, but I thought you were dating Marcy," he said. He was a couple inches taller than me and had a bit more muscle than I did. He would be a pretty powerful vampire.

"I am, she dyed her hair," I lied, not really knowing how to explain her hair color or her new look entirely.

"Oh, so she's blonde now?" he looked a little disappointed.

"Nice talking to you Gavin," I turned and walked away from him to the restaurant.

"I see you met him," Val said smiling.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"That's him, Gavin," she said, a light blush coming to her cheeks.

"What?" my mouth dropped.

"Is there a problem? Have you met him before?" She asked waiting in line to get a table. Marcy was no where to be seen.

"He's Marcy's best friend. He beat me up when he figured out I was dating Marcy," I said with no expression on my face.

"Oh," Val lost the smile on her face.

"It's no big deal really, where's Marcy?" I asked.

"She went to the bathroom," she answered.

"Valerie," Gavin called her in the line a couple people behind me. Val's face lit up as he walked over to us.

"Gavin, this is my brother," she said with a little less happiness.

"We've met," he said not bothering to look at me. I could still see the surprise in his eyes though.

"We should go sit, Marcy should find us," Valerie took his hand in hers just as the waitress came to seat us. She put us in one of the booths under a fan.

"Where's Marcy?" He asked me rolling his eyes while Valerie looked down at the menu. She didn't catch him.

"She went to the bathroom," I said just as she was walking back. She froze, her whole face turning pale.

"Marcy," Gavin smiled a little bit. I growled under my breath and Valerie looked up at me frowning.

Marcy slowly sat beside me and took my hand. She squeezed my hand so tight I had to pull my hand out of hers afraid she was going to break my hand.

"You're Valerie's soul mate," she said.
He nodded slowly.

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