Chapter 31

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"I'm sorry I hit you, but I'm not really sorry," he said shaking his head. His hair was turning to lighter brown right in front of my eyes.

"You liked Stacy, I mean Cary Ann. You liked your mates sister," I said making his face turn red. I stood off the ground wiping more blood off my face.

"You kissed my mate. You're lucky I'm not telling Marie," he threatened. I just narrowed my eyes at him. Yes Maria was going to try to kill me and Marcy, but I could easily remind her of Jason and her, who were in the same room at this very moment.

"Move," I growled and pushed past him. He was yelling behind me but I wasn't listening. All I wanted to do was get to the baby room.

Images of Marie and Jason came to my head. I fell over hitting the wall. I groaned standing back up. I looked down at the hallway confused. It was a women with green hair and all black eyes. She looked at me then sat down to my face.

"I bet you don't recognize me Blondie," she said into my face. I pulled away from her. She was a witch. Or she looked just like one.

"Stay out of Cary Ann's murder dear. It's only going to get you in more trouble," she said then put her finger on my throat. I started gasping. I couldn't breath. She was starting to choke me.

"Cas," Maria ran out the room just as the witch disappeared. How did I know her? I can't remember her from anywhere. Marie and Jason leaned beside me. I closed my eyes then reopened them. I could finally breath.

"I'm fine. Don't touch me," I pushed her hand away. She just watched me with a hurt look.

"I'm not mad at you,"I said kissing her cheek. I felt a burning on my hand but ignored it for the time being. I couldn't ignore the timer for long.

Jason frowned at me kissing her. He stood up dusting his pants and looking around. Then he looked down at my hand.

"You have a timer," he said confused then looked at Marie. I stuck my hands in my pocket.

"Cas, what are you hiding from me?" Marie asked crossing her arms. I sighed.

"Nothing, go cuddle up with your other mate," I murmured under my breath and stood up. Her face turned red as she squeezed it in anger. I sighed. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. Is it just me or does my mouth always get me in trouble?

"Cas, you're my mate but I'm not so sure of it anymore," she huffed and stuck her hands in her pocket.

"Me either," I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I got up walking past her to my room.

Maria's pov

I clenched my fists watching Cas walk away. I let a growl escape my lips then turned and walked back Jason to the baby room. He followed me. How could Cas say that he wasn't sure of us anymore. He was always sure. I grabbed the dog in my hand and squeezed it. Jason was nothing to me, he would never be anything to me.

"I'm sorry about Cas but he does have a timer on his hand," Jason said standing by my and looking at the dog I was practically strangling. I let it go and sighed looking up at him. He was so sweet. He thought it was all his fault. I don't know what to make of Cas having a timer. He shouldn't have one. I'll just ask Valerie later. She knows everything.

"It's not your fault. It's okay I'll talk to him later," I said shaking my head. He nodded and looked at the baby in the crib. I loved the smile on his face.

He turned to me and stared at me for a couple seconds. I looked down. I didn't feel anything towards him anymore. He sighed and looked away. I played with the dog awhile longer until Jason came over to me. He pushed me back towards the wall. I watched him with my breath catching. He just stared into my eyes.

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