Chapter 6

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"Grey," she whispered.

"Lacy," I whispered back. Lacy was my moms best friend when I was younger. All of a sudden though, she stopped talking to my mom and I've never seen her again.

"What are you doing here?" she looked towards the bed where her husband slept unaware of me.

"I need your help. Your daughters in danger," I kept it short.

"Why, what did you do to her vampire?" in two quick movements she grabbed a knife from under her pillow and had it to my neck. She couldn't kill me unless she put it through my heart.

My heart was back at the warehouse. All I could do was smile at her.

"Your daughters my soulmate. She's mine. She needs more protection so I need her to live with me for awhile until she can shift," I moved her hand. She looked a little confused when I touched the blade of the knife.

"My daughters not one of us," she said quietly. She sat the knife back on the dresser cabinet.

"She will be one. Marcy was attacked tonight and would've died if not for me giving her blood. She needs protection," I insisted. She thought about it for awhile then she picked up the knife.

"I want you to swear it to me that you will protect my daughter," she lifted the knife again and held it until her knuckles turned white.

"I will swear it to you tomorrow, I'm not really here," I shrugged. She nodded.

"I will send her over with her things tomorrow morning, Brownie will go with her and if he senses she's in danger, he will hurt you," she bent down and rubbed the dogs head. Slobber ran down his big mouth and matted up with his fur.

"Thank you," I half smiled at her then walked out her door. The big mutt followed me all the way to Marcy's room.

I watched her sleep for awhile. Her hair was pushed all over her face, drool dropped down her mouth and her blankets were pretty much on the floor.

"Marc," I whispered.

"Hmm," she opened her eyes and looked at me. She didn't really look at me but started to stare of in space.

The huge mutt jumped up on her bed and turned around in circles. He sat and flopped on the bed.

"Brown," she said quietly. She tried to push the dog off her. Sooner or later she gave up and flopped on her wet pillow,"what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to watch you and make sure you were alright," I sat at the bottom of the bed. The huge mutt stared at me with its big brown eyes.

"I'm okay, go to bed," she waved me off then turned around to face the wall.

"Marc we don't sleep," I tried not to laugh. She turned around and gave me an evil eye,"alright, alright I'm leaving," I put my hands up and ducked out the window. As soon as I did, I was back at the warehouse sitting on the hard floor. I opened my eyes and almost jumped out my skin.

"Sorry," he murmured and sat down beside me.

"I'm okay," I didn't have to slow down my heart beat because it was just a dead organ that didn't beat or work for that matter.

"You were visiting Marcy," he stated. I sighed and nodded.

"She will be staying here for awhile until we get it all sorted out," I said slowly. Cas could be a cool guy, but when he was mad it was something he couldn't control.

"I dropped Maria off. mom told me to leave....she told me she wouldn't get in trouble for me," he stuttered but tried to play it off with a smile.


"I'm fine Grey, we knew this would happen," he shrugged, but only I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"You can stay here," I smiled.

"Grey, I'm sorry about what I said about Marcy. I guess I was shocked you fell in love with a girl that wasn't one of us. You promised us a month ago if you did, then cut out your tongue," he said quietly. I remembered I said that when I got upset after dating a human female that broke my heart.

"That was before I meet Marcy, she changed me," I looked down at the ground.

"How'd she change you. You can't even feel her touch. You know we are blind to what holding someone's hand or touching someone's lips feel like," he was right. Since we were what we were, I couldn't feel when Marcy touched my hand or when she kissed me. It saddens me but what could I honestly do about it.

"I feel it somewhere else," I explained. He nodded at me.

"Do you think she would change?" he asked me. My face probably turned green remembering what Val had said,"what?"

"Nothing," I tried shaking the thought from my head.

"I'm going to go scout the area," he sighed and walked out the door leaving me to my thoughts.

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