Chapter 7

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"Marc hon, wake up," my mom gently shook me awake. It was so unlike her to do that on a school day. It must have something to do with our talk of last night.

My face flushed just thinking about it.

"Marc honey," she shook me a little harder. I opened my eyes to see her staring down at me smiling. I must've had a confused look on my face because she shook her head.

My room looked different but I couldn't put my finger on it. Suddenly the big dog jumped on my bed making the whole bed shake.

"Looks like you're a little hot. I guess you would have to stay home from school today," she laid her hand on my forehead then signed her signature into my watch.

"Ma, what are you talking about?" I asked her sitting up.

"Marcy Marcy Marcy, I'm not going to be home so I'm going to drop you off with your grandma. Pack your bags and get downstairs. Pack warmly you need to break that fever," she fluffed my hair then walked out the room.

I went around the room packing things as confused as ever. I put my clothes and electronics in my bag then dressed in layers. A black sweater, two pairs of jeans, a jacket, and a heavy black coat. I felt like a giant black pumpkin.

"Get well Marcy," my dad fluffed my hair when I went downstairs," get better my little mouse, I'll see you in a couple of days," he said leaving the house. I grimaced. He's called me his little mouse since I was three, whenever I got sick, I would sit in my bed curled up in a ball and watch Minnie Mouse.

"Dad.." I growled under my breath.

"C'mon, little mouse you're going to make me late," my mom led the dog and I to the car where we drove for awhile.

"Marcy, do you know where we're going?" she asked as we stopped at a stop light. I looked at her confused.

"I thought we were going to grandma's," I said quietly.

"You are staying with your friends," she started to drive as the light turned green.

I nodded realizing she was trying to get away with me not going to school and her getting in trouble with the time stalkers.

"Do we need to have a girls talk about your friend?" she asked. My face turned red.

"No ma'am," I shook my head trying to get rid of the blush.

"Good girl. Now here we are," she stopped in the parking lot by the warehouse and helped me carry my bag in.

She slowly knocked on the door four times.

"Lacy," Grey opened the door and pulled us in. He pulled a black shirt over his head quickly before we walked all the way in. He looked like he just woke up because his jeans were wrinkled and messy and his hair was messed up around his face. The dog followed behind my mom.

"Grey," my mom shook her head. He smiled at her like he knew her his whole life.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Lacy, I just woke up," he shrugged and led us down to the basement. There, he went in the same room we hid in the night before. He opened another door in the room and led us into a bedroom.

"You can have this room for now. Val is right beside you and me and Cas are across the hall," he said fixing his hair. It was kinda cute to see him drowsy and messy even though they didn't go to sleep.

"Okay thank you," I set my stuff on the bed and took off the heavy coat.

"You be careful my little mouse, Grey if you lay a hand on my daughter without me knowing I will personally rip out something all guys need," she stared him down and walked out the room.

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