Chapter 8

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"What's wrong Val?" Grey was immediately on his feet beside his sister.

"It's Cas, come quick," we followed her down the hall to another door. He went to pull the door open but it was locked. I guessed this was Cas's room.

"Cas, open the door," Grey said trying to push the door open.

"Grey, I love you man," Cas said from the inside. My insides dropped knowing what he was about to do. Grey looked at me probably thinking the same thing. He turned back around and tried to open the door again.

"Cas, you can't hurt yourself, you're a vampire,"Val said leaning her ear against the door.

"I can drain myself," he said slowly.

"Cas, please don't," I heard a girls voice whimper. I looked around and realized it was me who said it.

"Goodbye Grey," he sounded like he was in pain and all of a sudden he stopped talking.

Grey then hit the floor beside the door and put his hands behind his head.

Val ran to her room and came back with a key. Tears kept streaming down her face as she opened the door and walked in.

There was blood everywhere. All over the floor and his body.

He sat on the floor holding a knife as his eyes started to flutter and close.

"Cas," Grey crawled to his body and sat beside him in all the blood. He tried to wipe his face as he took the knife out Cas's hand and tossed it into the wall.

"I love you man," Cas mumbled. His lips were chap and his skin started to pale.

"He's losing blood fast," Val said leaning next to him. She covered up the cuts in his wrist.

"Cas, I am not losing you. Heal yourself," Grey said shaking him.

Brownie and I stood by the door looking confused. Why would you shake a dead person.

All of a sudden Cas shook his head slowly.

"I..I...can...feel it....Grey," he whispered. For some reason a smile came onto his face.

"Heal yourself!" Grey screamed continuing to shake his shoulders.

"I....feel...your hands," he said.

"Cas, you can't leave me. What about Maria?! Cas please," Grey got softer with each word he said. He gave up shaking him and laid his forehead on the ground beside Cas.

All of a sudden Cas started to shimmer. His body turned white all over and all color rose to his face.

"I'm never leaving you, no matter how hard my problems are," Cas said. He laid on the floor not bleeding anymore. Grey got up and looked down at him with tears still streaming down his face.

I sat down on the floor unable to stand up anymore. My legs felt like jelly. Brownie came up to me and licked my face. That's when I noticed tears were coming down my face too.

"Don't ever do that to me again!" Grey screamed. He got up to look at him and slapped him across the face. Cas let him with no problem. I on the other hand gasped.

"Don't," Grey got up and walked out the room smearing tears off his face in the process.

I still sat on the ground as the dog licked tears off my face. For some reason my mind flashed back to Grey and Gavin fighting at my house. It only made me cry more.

"Please stop," I cried into my hands. The dog beside me whimpered and cried to.

All of a sudden I felt someone lifting me off the ground and carrying me away. I had my hands over my face and cried.

The person that held me kicked a door open and sat back on a bed. I cried into the persons shirt.

"Marc," he said rubbing down my hair.

"Grey, I...I need to go somewhere," I whispered into his shirt. I could feel him shake his head no.

"Please. If you don't let me go, you know I'll sneak out later," I said pushing off him.

"I'll go with you," he pushed off the bed and left the room.

Brownie came and jumped on my bed. He licked the remaining tears off my face.

I got off the bed and followed Grey. He grabbed his coat and pulled a hoodie over his head.

He leaned over me and I thought he was going to kiss me. I pulled back a little on mistake.

"Your hood," he put his hands up.

"Oh. I'm sorry," I pulled my on hood up and pulled it over my head.

He smiled a little and we went out the warehouse. I felt a pang of guilt at his smile. It was the same smile that Gavin gave me when he thought I liked him.

"So where are we going?" he asked me. We were walking down the empty side walk.

"I want to go see Gavin," I said slowly. He growled.

"You're mine," he said. His voice sounded like a wild animal.

"You sure about that leader," a man said. Grey turned around and bared his teeth. I was knocked down by someone.

"Let her go,"Grey growled.

"Young leader. Tsk tsk. Did your father teach you anything?" the man laughed like he had all the time in the world.

"Drop her," he growled again.

"Hey pretty lady. I wonder what your blood taste like," the other vampire traced his finger along my cheek and I pulled back.

"Brownie," I whispered. The man looked at me confused.

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