Chapter 35

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Cassidy's Pov

"I'm not going to be staying here for long," I said looking around the giant building. It was beautiful with tall walls and marble floors. It was the right place for the mayor or new president.

"This is were you live now. Kent, get some help and pack Cassidy's house. For the time being you'll be waiting here," he watched me for my reaction. One I didn't give because he knew what I was thinking,"never mind. I'm going to stay here with her," he ordered around some people.

"I'm capable of staying here myself," I growled at him. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Leah, can you watch my sweet mate for a second while I get some things ready?" He asked. Leah I guess was a maid with curly blonde hair and blue eyes,"this is my nanny or like my second mother. She'll be willing to help you. My mother died a couple years ago and that's when we started to get close. Leah will help you with anything you need."

"Except for getting out of here," I murmured under my breath. Ian frowned while Leah laughed.

"I'll be right back," Ian went up the marble stairs leaving me with Leah.

"My names Cassidy," I held out my hand to her. She only laughed and pulled me into a hug. To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement. I wasn't a hugging type of person. I was more of a hand shake or don't touch me person. Hugs were a big no no for me...except for if they were from Damien.

"Are you hungry, do you need anything?" She asked pulling away from me.

I shook my head,"just somewhere to stay the night."

"Ian didn't tell you that you'll be sleeping in his room?" She asked. Her face lost the smile as she frowned.

"Ian told me he was taking me to my house," I crossed my arms. She took my hand and started to pull me up the stairs.

"Ian! Open this door," she yelled knocking on the door. Ian opened the door with a look of agitation. His shirt was off showing his six pack. I promise you I was drooling.

By my side Leah screamed bringing me back to my thoughts. I shook my head.

"Oh my god," she said by my side. I just stared at her confused then back to Ian.

"What happened?" I asked. He just stared at me with his eyes darkening. I frowned and crossed my arms.

Leah sighed and shook her head,"I must be seeing things. Sorry. Now Ian. Did you kidnap this girl?"

"It's not kidnapping mom," he said matter of fact. I scoffed. He turned his chocolate brown eyes to me.

"Ian!" She yelled at him. I laughed making them stare at me.

"You should laugh more. It's cute," he put his fingers on my chin. I pulled away making him frown.

He didn't understand that I didn't want him as a mate but to have Damien as my mate though I knew that wasn't possible.

"It's getting late. I'll talk later in the morning,"Leah turned going back down the stairs.

I stared at Ian crossing my arms. He only laughed shaking his head at my stubbornness.

"Your eyes changed. That's why she screamed. But baby girl, this is all yours," he said making my face turn fifty shades of red.

"That's not funny Ian. What room do you want me to take?" I asked looking down the hallway.

He lost his smile at me saying I wanted to sleep in another room then beside him all night. I just met him for goodness sake.

"You though I was going to sleep in your room?" I asked chuckling.

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