Chapter 9

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"What did you say?" he asked me.

I heard a dog bark in the distance. The vampire on top of me looked up to the other vampire.

"It's just a dog idiot," he said waving his hand.

I heard a dog growl behind him.

"It's just a dog," the man said louder this time.

"What do you want?" Grey asked. He looked down at his hands and sighed.

"You know what I want. I don't have a group. I could always kill the leader of the small group," he laughed.

"No!" I screamed. The man in front of me winced back in pain, the one in front of Grey covered his ears, and Grey held his ground while covering one ear.

Tears tumbled down my face and stuck to my hoodie.

"You're the leaders mate," the man stared at me with wide eyes. I can see why they weren't in a group and why the one on top of me was the one getting told to do things.

"Shut it Mike," the man growled. "Mike" looked back at him with wide eyes.

"It's the leaders mate," he said quietly. Grey looked over at me with a sorry look on his face. He bent to the ground on his knees and hung his head down.

"Go on," the man smiled standing over him.

"Wait, just take me. The leaders mate," I said. I didn't know what mate meant but I guess it was meant something more to them.

"No," Grey shook his head.

"Gary," Mike said.

"Both of you shut up and let me think!" Gary screamed.

"Take me!" I screamed catching Mike off guard. I pushed my elbow into his nose and kicked his legs.

Grey ran for Gary and kicked him. He fell to the ground and he punched him in the face.

"Marc," Grey ran to me and grabbed my hand. He turned and ran at an incredible speed it felt like I was standing on top of a car while it sped down the road.

Once we were far away I stopped to breathe and Grey looked around.

"That was a risky move back there. Why were you calling the dog?" he asked. We went and sat on one of the bus benches.

"My mom told me the dog would come to my rescue. I thought I heard him but it could just be any random dog," I shrugged.

"Marcy," Gavin walked out the house wearing dark shades and a thick blanket around his shoulders.

"Gavin, are you alright. I'm so sorry," I ran up to him. I put my arms around him and he hugged me back.

"Mine," Grey growled from behind me. I let go of Gavin as he tensed and looked away. I frowned at Grey and was grateful he didn't let his fangs out and scare Gavin half to death.

"It's good to see your boyfriend doesn't have any bruises," Gavin took his shades of and his right eye was black and purple. He could barley keep the eye open.

"Oh Gav," I moved to touch his eye with my fingertip but he winced and pulled away.

"So, what are you doing here anyways," he put the glasses back on. I was not prepared for this question. I might have if Mike and Gary didn't slow up the process.

"I'm starting to get a cold so I thought a little fresh air would help," I lied. It was a stupid lie. Who went outside if they were sick?

"What about him?" he asked nodding his head to Grey.

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