Chapter 44

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Cassidy's Pov

"I made it so Evan will meet us at the the show," Ian said while buckling Kayla into a car seat. She was busy sucking on her thumb and looking around the car. She was a quiet girl.

"But Ian, Evan looks so much like you," I sighed and leaned back into the seat. He nodded and seemed to think.

"Everyone already thinks I'm such a player. They don't know you," he started then paused to think some more,"how about two years ago we meet and you had Evan but didn't tell me until I fingered out you were my soulmate this year? We just adopted Kayla."

I looked over at him driving and shrugged. It really didn't matter as long as they didn't know what we truly were.

"These people are going to let you out and there are going to be nurses on the side of the stage in case anything happens. Emma might ask you some questions about your health but most things should be targeted to me about the Time country," for the first time when he said time country his voice held disgust in it. I've never heard him disgusted over his country before.

"Okay," I said just as the people Ian were talking about pulled open my door. I took the hand helping me pull up.

Ian went into the back of the car and grabbed Kayla just as Evan was pulled out the car.

He lifted both of them and followed me into the building where we were meet with other people with cameras.

Ian pulled me along to the stage where Emma Whitman was talking to someone people. Her eyes snapped to Ian's just as he pushed me through the door.

He took us to the stage and sat Evan and Kayla down on the chairs. I leaned down in front of Evan.

"Evan, how old are you?" I asked slowly while keeping my voice down.

"Two," he stuck out his two little fingers. I nodded and kissed his forehead.

"Good, good," I turned around to see Ian frowning at me. He didn't like that he had to lie about his age.

"He shouldn't have to do that but it is necessary, I wouldn't make him unless it was. I just wish everything was different," he kissed the side of my head then turned back to Emma.

She looked down at Kayla and Evan then back to me,"he looks so much like you Mr. Lancaster. How is that?"

"I'll tell you during the show Emma," he looked ahead at the cameras. I looked at my hands then back to Emma as she was pointing to the cameras.

She was starting to count down. Three two one and the cameras were on pointing to us. Kayla continued to suck her thumb while Evan just stared at her.

"Well good morning Mr. President. I bet the audience would like to know who these beautiful children are," she smiled down at Evan and Kayla.

"This is Evan and Kayla. We adopted Kayla and Evan is ours," Emma's mouth opened in disbelief. She couldn't understand how Evan could be ours.

He looked almost two even though he was a couple months old. She continued to open and close her mouth before Ian smiled and went to explain about Evan.

"Two years ago I was mentioned as a player,"he laughed and smiled at me showing his dimples. I smiled back,"I had the pleasure of meeting my dear soul-mate Cassidy. She had Evan and never told me about him until now. Not many people knew me as the mayors son at that time."

Emma closed her mouth smiling again. She still stared at me like she was trying to figure something out.

"Well I'm glad you're happy. Have you figured anything out about your fathers death," my face pales thinking about it. Ian said he had it taken care of but the public was still talking about it.

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