Chapter 14

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"Grey, I couldn't find Cassidy, but Marcy's mom is coming in a second," Maria said just as he was about to kiss me. He pulled back rolling his eyes, letting go of my hands.

I stood up righting myself for my moms surprise when she saw my new appearance.

"Marcy," she walked in carrying her phone in her hand looking down at it. As soon as she looked at me, she dropped the phone as the glass shattered against the floor.

"Grey....," she said as to say you need an awfully good explanation to get out of this one.

"It wasn't his fault Mom, we don't know what happened," I said curling the blonde hair around my fingers.

"Why, how?" She asked shaking her head.

"We don't know," Grey said gesturing to his hair. He still wouldn't touch it though.

"You bit him," Mom commented. I guess she could still see the bandage on his neck that was seeping blood.

"It wasn't my fault," I shook my head.

"Come here," she gestured to Grey with his finger just as the dog lumbered through the door almost trampling her with kisses.

"Lacy...." Grey said unsure but walked over to her anyways.

"Take off the bandage. You don't need to bleed to death," he did as he was told. She pressed her fingers to the bite marks and stuffed a leather glove in his mouth. Looking at his eyes I could tell he wanted to scream.

She then let go of his neck and looked down at her fingers. His neck was still bleeding blood. He then took the glove out his mouth and spit at the ground. A sharp silver vampire tooth glinted on the ground.

"It'll grow back," he said wiping blood from my mouth.

Gavin's Pov

"Why so down?" A girl asked me. I was so in the slumps to even notice her. I guess since Marcy found her soul mate I should move on and just forget about her. Maybe we could be friends but I really should just forget about her. Maybe I just need to find my own soul mate whenever this stupid timer shows up. I began tapping my wrist in frustration.

"Did you hear me or are you deaf?" The girl asked again. I looked up at her. She had straight back hair that stopped at her shoulders that she tried to curl, but it didn't quite reach it, she also had brown amber eyes with silver coloring, and long eyelashes that curled up.

"No, I'm sorry I'm just thinking,"I shook my head.

"My names Valerie, my friends call me Val," she reached her hand out. I shook her hand and put my hands back in my pockets.

"Gavin, my only friend calls me Gavin," I smiled up at her. She wore tall black heels, black tight jeans, and a blood red sequined shirt. She was a little wobbly in the heels like she's never wore them before.

"So, Gav, what's the matter that you're so sad," she said sitting in front of me. We sat at the restaurants I worked at.

"It's really nothing, don't worry about it," I said shaking my head.

"Well, I'll tell ya my problem first," she spoke like she wasn't used to speaking that way but it just kinda rolled of her tongue,"my twin brother just found his mate. He's completely in love. I'm too smart for my own good. Just because I wear lip gloss and pretty clothes doesn't mean I don't have brain working in my head. No one will ever notice me."

I looked up at her. She was looking down at the napkin in front of her.

"My best friend found her mate. I haven't seen her since she did. I'm a little worried, but I know I should move on," I said looking up at her. She smiled that small smile.

"I guess we're together on that one. Forever alone," she whispered.

"Val, thank you," I said grabbing her hand. She took it and smiled at me.

"No, thank you," she said and got up to leave.

"Wait, can I have your number?" I asked just as she was about to walk out the door. She turned back around smiling while reaching in the black bag she wore around her shoulder. She took a black pen out and took my hand.

"Looks like you already have my number," she smiled turning pink. I looked down at my wrist. A timer counting from fifth-teen days. She took my hand any ways, wrote her number on it, and left.

I drove the time bus to my neighborhood and walked home. I was actually glad my boss told me to sit down for awhile because I looked sick. I met Val and she was my mate. She was amazing, beautiful, smart, and she really got me. Valerie was the perfect person to be stuck with my entire life since I didn't have Marcy.

"Why are you so happy?" My dad asked as I walked in the house whistling some off tune song.

"I had a good day," I shrugged.

"About time. Since Marcy has been sick you haven't eaten, slept, or done really anything. I was getting worried," he said after awhile of concentrating on the computer screen he was typing on.

"Marcy's going to get better soon, she'll be alright," I shrugged again looking through the fridge.

"You know it's not time to eat yet," Dad scolded.

"I know but I'm just so hungry. I guess I haven't eaten," I said. He finally looked up at me and smiled.

"Your Mom would be so proud of you if she could see you know," he said. My Mom died two years earlier in a car accident. The eighteen wheeler hit her and she was in a coma for three weeks. She was getting worse so we both suggested to pull the plug and let her go to wherever she went.

"Mom would want you to step off the computer for awhile," I replied. He looked up at me still typing.

"Well someone's gotta pay the bills,"he said.

"Well, you can't take just a little break?" I asked.

He shook his head like he always did since I asked him.

"Alright," I sighed and walked into my room. I guess I would have to wait until dinner time to get something to eat.

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