Chapter 12

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"Marcy!" Grey started yelling. His yelling hurt my ears but not the demon that was possessing me. He pulled his lips away from mine just as my fangs bit into his neck. He screamed so loud it felt like it vibrated the walls.

I then saw Cas run through the room covering his ears. He saw me and Grey and immediately ran to Grey's help. He pulled me by my hoodie off him and into the wall, that was when everything went black.

"You didn't have to throw her so hard," Grey argued with someone by my ear. I opened my eyes slowly. Every thing was spinging around in circles. Grey looked like a blurry circle.

"Wha..wha...wha," I tried saying but it came out all wrong and I kept repeating it. My face and back felt like one giant bruise. I thought vampires were suppose to heal fast.

"Shh...shh Marcy it's okay," Grey cooed in my ear. I could see enough to see Cas elbow him in the shoulder.

"I...I bit you," I said slowly sitting up. I felt a sharp of pain go through my whole body but I felt the need to sit up so he didn't think I was just a weak little girl that he could take care of all the time.

"Don't move Marcy," he said even though I ignored him and moved anyways. There was a thick bandage with blood seeping out of it on his neck. I felt so bad.

"Grey...." I started looking at his neck.

"I'm fine. I...I just didn't realize how powerful you are. I need to talk to some resources before I can tell you. How are you feeling?" he asked. He was so sweet. He cared for me more then he cared for his own well being.

"Are you okay?" I asked instead.

"All you did was bite me. I suggest we start with your training tomorrow where the girls and Cas will be here, not that Maria likes me much at the time but she would like to see me alive. But never mind that just take a nap and I'll go get you something to eat," he said. I ignored him, pulling myself to a standing position then wincing because I felt a sharp of pain go through my back.

"Cas, go get something to eat while I put Marcy in bed," he ordered quietly.

Cas left and Grey moved to me with vampire speed and lifted me bridal style.He put me back in the bed under the covers. I grumbled at him and he laughed. He then sat on top the covers and laid beside me.

I almost feel asleep with him so close to me until Cas came back in.

"Ugh," he stuck his tongue out at us. Grey laughed and I was to tired to do anything.

"Here I brought human food," he grimaced throwing a burger at Grey,"I had to wait in a line for like five minutes," he continued to complain while Grey stared at my lips the entire time.

"Hey, are you even listening?" Cas asked nudging Grey clearly annoyed.

Grey winced in pain then turned around and punched him. I guess he also felt like a bruise but decided I need to be taken care of first.

"Ow," Cas rubbed his arm and grimaced.

"Go....just go do something," Grey waved him away still looking at my lips.

"Like go watch the mayor, or are we not doing that now?" Cas said.

Grey sighed and got up off the bed wincing a little. By the look on his face I could see he really wanted to hurt Cas, but he didn't.

"Look Cas.I feel like I died and came back alive. If you could give me time to heal that'll be great," he narrowed his eyes at him.

"Fine whatever, go with your precious beta since she's better then all of us," his face turned red and he went out the room slamming the door on the way out.

"Grey, you shouldn't put me before the rest of them. I'm just like you now. I can protect myself," I argued. He turned around to see me standing and leaning against the wall.

"Marcy, yes you will heal faster but it will still hurt. The way you bit me it won't ever heal. It will stop bleeding soon but it will always hurt," he explained.

I moved closer to him and put my fingers lightly on the bandages. He winced in pain anyways.

"Well, instead of sitting here doing nothing you could teach me something," I begged.

"Whose head do you want to go in. Cas, Maria's, or Val's?" He asked sighing.

"Why can't I go in your head?" I asked.

"Because I don't let anyone in my head. That first time was an acceptance because I didn't know you were doing it," he opened the door that Cas slammed shut.

"I guess Val's, she doesn't hate me at the moment," I mumbled.

Grey opened the door and screamed Val's name. I winced covering my ears and he apologized. A couple seconds later Valarie came through the door carrying a book in her hands and a pencil in her mouth.

"This better be good, I'm almost finished with this book," she said. She was lucky she didn't run into a wall while reading.

"Tell Marcy she can wait until tomorrow to get inside your head," he suggested.

"I think she should learn today, but why does she have to go through my head? There might be something wrong with your neck and you might be a little slow in the head, but otherwise your brain is fine," Val laughed at her own joke. Grey rolled his eyes and turned to me.

"Okay, so to get in her head you have to be completly still. Val also has to be still," he said at Val. She sighed closing her eyes. I closed mine too and only heard Grey's voice.

"Just think about Val, just all the things you know about her," I felt a whooshing sound and air blow through my face and all of a sudden I dropped on hard wood floor.

"Ow," I screamed out in pain.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Normally it doesn't just drop us in the middle of the floor," Val said. She helped me pull myself to my feet.

Looking around the room it was a huge library. The bookshelves towered above the floor like skyscrapers.

"Why, are we in a library?" I asked.

"The library is where I have all my memories. Pick up a book. Where do you think your place is?" She asked me.
I picked up one of the books and opened the flap. It was a picture of Val and Grey. They were about five or six. There were two adults around them. It looked like a party because Grey had cake splatted around his mouth and young Valerie held a book to her chest jumping up and down.

"It was our fifth birthday. Those are my parents," she pointed to the two adults,"Grey was so carefree when he was younger. Now it's all about freeing us from time, being leader, and you."

"My place is the river or my room," I commented changing the subject.

"Normally there is only one but for you it is two. We don't know why yet but we will learn," she explained. No wonder she was so smart.

"I'm different," I said following her. She walked around the rooms touching the spines of all the books.

"Grey, used to be so young at heart. I just can't believe how much he's grown in the past couple of years. When our parents were kidnapped I ran. I told him to run with me, but when I turned around he wasn't there," I looked to Val to see tears running down her face.

"Val, it's okay," I tried but nothing helped her. She kept opening books and seeing all the pictures that made her cry even more.

"It's time," Grey said. It sounded like he was over an intercom but then everything started to shake.
I gasped sitting up in bed.

Val did the same, but sat up crying.

"What happened?" Grey asked trying to calm her down. She gripped on to his shoulders so tight I thought his arms were going to break off.

"She was talking to you and when I looked back she was crying," I said pulling myself off the bed. I winced in pain not remembering that I hit the wall.

Grey looked at me and his entire face dropped.

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