Chapter 34

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Cassidy's Pov

I tried running from him and anything possible but he still followed me back to my house. I sighed opening the door. There was Damien sitting on the couch.

I ran to him hugging him. He hugged me back. Behind me Ian growled at him for touching me. Damien let go of me and turned looking at him.

"Ian Lancaster is your mate?" He asked looking down at his phone and back at me. I frowned and put my hand on his face.

"I love you," I mouthed to him so Ian couldn't hear me. Damien nodded and looked up at me smiling.

"You can leave now Mr. President," I sat on the edge of the couch. Damien just stared at me. No, he wasn't staring at me but the timer on my hand. I put my hand under my leg so he couldn't see it.

"I go where I please my lady. I am president and you are the presidents wife," he laughed leaning against the wall.

"Stop being a dïçk! I'm not your wife," I yelled making him laugh harder.

"My sweet mate, language please. Sir, I order you out," Ian smiled at me and turned his icy glare to Damien. If looks could kill Damien would be a dead man.

Damien looked like he was fighting with himself before he turned walking out the door without another word.

"You're a leader. That's why you want to meet Grey. So you can kill him?" I ran an agitated hand through my thick brown hair.

Stupid timer. Stupid Ian. Stupid president. Stupid hand. Stupid Time. Stupid stupid stupid.

"I'm not trying to kill Mr. Morgan. I'm trying to find a why to bring him out of hiding to work together with Time," he growled out his frustration at me. I rolled my eyes,"Dämñ Cassidy. You accuse me of being a monster yet you drink human blood and show your fangs. I've been president for two hours."

"This isn't going to work Ian," I hissed under my breath. His face became pale.

He looked at me,"please my lady," he got down on his knees in front of me. I rolled my eyes at his attempt,"It has to work. I need you to rule with me."

"No you don't," I turned from him, picking up my phone that started to ring.

"Hey, Maria told me who your glorious mate is. I even heard he wants to meet Grey," he laughed in my ear. I rolled my eyes at my sister mate. Such an immature idiot. I stared up at Ian.

Ian's eyes started to glow blue. I jumped up screaming while dropping the phone. I ran at him knocking us both to the ground so I was on top of him. His eyes turned back to brown.

"I like this position," he smirked. I growled at him.

"What the hell are you?" I asked about to move away from him. He held onto my waist keeping me down.

"I'm a vampire Cassidy, nothing more," he kissed my cheek then my neck. I turned away from him.

"No, Grey's eyes do the same," I remembered the night when he came to the door with no shirt and I said something about Marcy. His eyes turned blue.

"That's why I need to find him. I swear I won't hurt a hair on him or his sisters head," he said. Swearing was life and death to vampires.

"I can't trust you Ian. You are the president and your father killed vampires," I turned so I couldn't see his frown.

He sighed. His chest deflated underneath me,"I've meet three vampires today and I didn't kill them. I am a vampire Cassidy. I would never hurt you. My father didn't like midnight's because they turned him making me one," he tried to explain it to me. He had a really innocent look on his face but that's what he was trained to do being the presidents son, right?

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