Chapter 37

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Ian's Pov

I sat at my desk running my hands through my hair. It's been a month since I've been away from my mate. All I wanted to know was that she was okay. I've been ordering people to do my work while I sat in my desk breaking random things and yelling at random people.

Leah and Maria has been trying to comfort me but Maria would start crying when she talked about her sister and Leah would constantly tell me I had to work. I didn't tell her that Cassidy was pregnant yet but I just wanted to make sure my mate was okay. I was waiting for Cassidy to have the baby before I told Leah that I was a vampire. She would have to know then I would have to hide the baby for another seven months until I could show him or her to the public.

My timer was stuck on one day and twelve hours like it's been for almost a week now. I just want to know if she's okay. They would have to keep her heavily drugged if I couldn't even smell her. I was praying that it didn't hurt her or the baby.

Please just bring my mate back. I know I haven't been the best mate, being a supposed anti vampire person and hitting her with my car. Damn, I even locked her up in my house with no way to get away from me. I'm such a bad mate. I promise Cassidy that I'm going to make this up to you.

"We found her," one of the vampires I hired to find her said bursting through my door. I was going to yell at him from not knocking but I didn't care. I thought I was going to jump up and down from the news.

I grabbed my coat and keys running out the room. Grey meet me in the hallway. He's been trying to help me but I've been kicking him out also. He always came back for some reason though. He followed me down to the car hearing exactly what the vampire said.

In the car he typed some things into his watch and pulled up a GPS from where Cassidy was. I followed it going almost seventy miles down the busy street. Cars were quick to jump out my way. Grey put his hand on my arm slowing me down.

"You can't just walk in there blind folded. What I know is there are six unmarked in the building. They're holding her in the basement and constantly filling her with something to keep her unconscious and the scent gone. The only way we picked it up was getting her scent off of a guy named Damien."

"I'm going kill them all," I started to drive fast again until I was at the building. Grey held me back from getting out the car. He held me back being full leader while I only had some leader blood.

"Calm down Ian. Go through the back door. I'll follow you," he opened the door quietly. I opened mine and started to stomp through the building without taking the keys out the car or closing the door.

Nothing was here. It was completely empty. I didn't even sense Cassidy but if she was drugged like Grey said then I wouldn't sense her. I started to walk down to the basement. I heard Grey's footsteps close behind me.

When I opened the door I almost jumped for joy. There sat Cassidy on a couch. Anger bubbled back in me as I saw she was unconscious and her hands were tied with rope to the chair. I growled cutting thr rope off her hands and picking her up. She got heavier. Good.

I ran back up to the car. Grey sat in the drivers seat waiting for me. I set Cassidy in the back seat and sat beside her. Grey started driving while I ran my hands in her hair and watched her closely. She was never leaving my sight again.

I ran my hand down to her stomach. She was past due. She was going to be okay though. I could hear the baby's heart and her heart beat.

When we got back to the house I sat down on the couch with her sitting on top of me. In minutes Maria burst through the door and looked down at her sister with tears in her eyes. I hated myself. I let her get kidnapped. I missed everything. When the baby first kicked, when she complained about her feet hurting, when she threw up. I missed everything and I mean everything. I was going to make it up to her

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