Chapter 36

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Cassidy's Pov

I woke up to an empty bed. I chuckled to myself. Ian must've really been mad at me yesterday. I turned around in the bed. There was a magazine. The front page was a picture of Ian and I talking to Callie Martin. I flipped it to the right page reading it.

Mr. Lancaster's new soul-mate. Will he be faithful to her forever?

I flipped through more pages. It was a picture of me hitting Ian at the place. They thought I hit him because I figured out how much of a player he is or was. I'm going to kill him. I got up putting on clothes someone left on the edge of the bed. Jeans and a shirt.

I walked or practically stomped down the stairs to the kitchen where I could hear Ian's voice. I pushed open the kitchen door and stomped in. Ian stopped talking to Leah and looked to me.

"What the hell Ian?" I threw the magazine at his head. He looked at it then back to me. The look on his face told me he had no idea where it came from.

"Where'd you get this?" he asked putting it calmly on the counter beside him. It only made me even madder.

"It doesn't matter Ian, you're such a pig," I clenched my hands into fists.


I cut him off screaming. It felt like someone was kicking me in the stomach. I fell over grabbing the counter before hitting the ground.

Ian ran to my side with Leah on the other.

"Get a doctor," he ordered Leah. She nodded and ran out the kitchen.

Ian lifted me up and walked up the stairs carefully. He laid me down in the bed and looked at me.

"It's're going to be okay. When a woman vampire is ready to reproduce she has...has these..." he started to trail off. I grabbed onto his shirt gripping it tightly. So much pain,"she...she loses. She loses bl... bl..," he closed his eyes trying to compose himself. I squeezed my eyes shut wishing I could just pass out,"it makes the man and woman want to have a child."

Everything around me started to go black as I felt like I was burning from the inside out. I felt Ian's hands last as I blacked out completely, not hearing anything.

"C'mon babe, it's going to be okay," I woke up to those words.

I slowly cracked my eyes open wincing. That pain was still there burning away my insides.

"Ian, please...make it go," I pleaded. His eyes turned blue before he turned away and sighed then turned back to me.

"Cassidy, if I make it go away. You'll most likely get pregnant. Are you ready for that?" He asked slowly. I took his shirt collar bringing it into me.

He kissed me back taking it as a yes. Already, the burning was starting to go away.

He leaned over me and kissed me going down. I hastily took off his shirt rubbing my hands over his chest. He moaned against my mouth when I dragged my hands lower.

He pulled my shirt over my head and rubbed his hands down my side. He wiped the sweat off my forehead with his thumb before he moved down.


I woke up in a bed full of sweat. I felt drowsy and tired. Everything was sore like I just went running.

"I see you're feeling better," Ian said sitting on a chair on the edge of the bed. His hair was a mess, his eyes had dark spots under them, and his shirt was hardly on.

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