Chapter 41

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Cas's pov 9:30 pm (A/N I'm changing the age of Cas's sister, you'll see)

I walked down the road while keeping my head down in the black hoodie I wore over my head. The black jeans I borrowed from Grey scratched across my leg and hardly covered my ankles. Man was he short.

I walked to the edge of the forest and stuck my hand in my pocket. The plastic bag with the money in it crinkles in my pocket. I didn't really understand why he needed a plastic bag.


My heard started speeding up. What if this hunter just wanted to kill me? Maybe I should've brought Grey along and just made sure he hid well. No, that would be putting his in danger also. I could talk to him in my mind but what use could that do. That couldn't take a bullet for me or talk me out of this stupid plan.

I decided to go ahead and talk to him anyways since he was mad at me already. Maria probably told him what I told her even though he already knew.

"H...hey," I said a little hesitantly at first.

At first he didn't answer me then his voice cracked in my head,"what Cas?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm about to meet a hunter in...ten minutes," I looked down at watch.

"What the hell Cas! Why didn't you tell me?" He started to yell giving me a headache.

"You were pretty mad at me so I decided against it. I need to find Cary Ann and this is the only way," I shrugged even though he couldn't see me.

"I got to go, I see something," I cut him off seeing someone. The last thing I heard was him screaming my name in my head.

It was someone with a bright orange hat on and a black jacket covering the rest of the persons body with a matching black ski mask underneath.

The person came and stood in front of me. He gestured behind the trees. I followed keeping silent.

"I could see you're scared. Your heart beats speeding up," he said. Surprising he, sounded like a woman.

"Excuse me?"

"Surprised I'm a woman are you?" She asked chuckling and pulling the mask,"women can kill vampires just like man."

"Can we just get this done, you're making me nervous," I looked down at her pocket. There was no doubt a gun there.

She smiled under the mask and pulled it off. I swear I froze. Standing in front of me was my little sister. Her curly brown her and brown eyes glittering with mischief.

"Kaylee," she jumped at her name and frowned while taking a closer look at me.

When she did she pulled her gun. I backed up into a tree.

"C...Cas," she stumbled on her words. I was just as confused as she was. How was my sister a hunter, and the best hunter at that.

"Remember you helped mom kick me out. You might as well kill me now. Just remember that I have a daughter and another one on the way," I waited for her to pull the trigger. Her hands shook before she lowered it to the ground but never put it away.

Jason's Pov

I stood in the line in the store. Casey ran out of diapers and Maria was in one of those moods since Cas told her he kissed Marcy. It was uncalled for but what could I do.

I scratched my hand and looked down at it. A timer set for ten minutes. I shrugged. Whoever my mate would be would understand about Casey and my relationship with Maria.

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