Inflatine's Day (Opposite)

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"How come we have a Valentine's Day? Shouldn't every day be dedicated to loving your partners?"

"Beats me Zane, I just go along for all the free chocolate." Kai and his nindroid boyfriend were all dressed up and ready for a night on the town, and by dressed up I meant they were in matching hoodies of their respective colours and black jeans. What? No one said saving the world every season would be all that profitable.

"Free chocolate? We already have Halloween for that, and the upcoming bunny holiday that's apparently associated with some dead person being revived. Where do rabbits fit in with him?"

"Guess it's some way for the kids to get involved too, don't think too hard about it. This is just a time for us to spend time alone and maybe get a chocolate or two."

Smiling, Zane took his hand and walked down from the bounty together. First on their list was a simple dragon ride through the countryside, (stopping along the way for some fresh heart shaped red bean filled mochi), then it was time for a shopping spree in the center of town. "Mm, this holiday does present us with delectable sweets." The droid remarked, munching away at a cream filled melonpan Kai paid for him. "But I could have paid for it mys-"

"Ah ah, I'm being a good boyfriend by doing everything for ya." The fire master winked, giving his cheek a lick. "Got a bit of cream stuck there, where to now? Back to our room for a bit of fun?"

"Oh my! You can't say that in public Kai, but I would like to try something new.. You won't think of this as weird will you?"

"Ha! I've tried out much kinkier stuff with my past relationships."

"Well it's not really a kink per say, it's just something I would like to experiment with. I have been viewing these... Well I'll tell you once we're alone. Oh, may we get some chocolate covered strawberries as well?"

"Hey, anything for you babe."


Upon arriving back at their shared room, Zane pulled out his laptop and shown Kai exactly what he meant earlier. Saved onto his drive was a load of different weight gain and inflation artwork and a couple fanfics, some of which he wrote himself. "It's odd, but what these people call fat art is very peculiar to me. I find it quite adorable to read about, them being plumped up and snuggling into each others' flabby forms... That doesn't make me a freak does it?"

Awing at how cute his boyfriend could be, Kai pulled him into a tight bear hug. "Not at all, that sounds like pretty vanilla compared to the art I like." He smirked, giving the nindroid's polymer belly a poke. "So you want me to fill ya up? Or do you want me to be a nice big, ballooney ninja?"

"Well, I was hoping you and I could expand together. Enough fire and ice together will create steam in our bellies and puff us up, I want to see if we can take up all the space in this room."

"Heh, you're really excited about this. Been planning this for a while now?"

"Well, I suppose you could say that." Zane blushed, his usually straight face now had rosy pink cheeks he desperately tried to cover up, only for Kai to pull his hands away and kiss them both. "No need to hide Zaney, it's just us in here. Now to have some fun."

Building up their respective elements in their cheeks, the pair leaned in for a soft but long kiss. A frosty breath met with a smoky hot blast of embers, and as expected steam built up slowly but surely in their guts. Their bellies inflated first, popping the zippers off their hoodies and snapping the belts off their now rounded midsections.

"Aaah, this feels wonderful." The ice ninja moaned, feeling his gut surge outwards, bumping against Kai's now tight belly. Then the steam forced their limbs to spread apart, sinking deep into their fast growing bellies. All the while their clothes tore up by the seems, leaving them all tattered on the floor until only their stretchy boxers remained. "Ah! It feels like my behind is pressing against the wall."

"Mm.. Mine too, we're getting so big!" They kept on puffing, not stopping until every last corner of their room was filled in from their softened frames. Once the inflation had ended they were face to face, their cheeks were so puffy they could barely utter a word out, but they didn't mind one bit as they squished against one another. The pair simply smiled as they stared into each others' eyes, adoring their newfound states before slowly dozing away. "Next Valentine's we'll get even bigger!" Zane thought with glee.

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