Only Human (Opposite)

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Have another request on me! For 1x9meme !

Ever since the defeat of the Overlord just a couple months back, Kai gained the hots for a certain master of ice. He always found Zane adorable with his confusion towards certain jokes and how he would take expressions literally. "Now I got all the time in the world to spend with Zaney boy." Kai grinned.

Almost all the time anyways, they now worked at a reformed Darkly's, now renamed Sensei Wu's Academy after their master bought it to teach future generations about the elements and the history of their land. Unfortunately the students hadn't changed all that much, especially when it came to zapping Zane with whatever new device that was on the market. The poor droid was more often than not going out of control when he's just trying to teach.

"Oh it would be nice if somehow I could become human, I wonder how it feels to be flesh and bone rather than this metal coating." He made a mental note to ask Kai all about it. "Ack! Oh how I hate buzzers."

Now that the weekends were finally over, the two elementals got to snuggle up together. "Kai? How's it like to be human? Does it help with having a sense of humor?"

"Heh, I guess you could say that. You can feel the sun beat down on your face and get a nice tan, there's also that feeling you get after a huge meal where you feel all stuffed and satisfied."

"Stuffed? Well I can taste cooking but I don't have any need to eat. How pleasurable could it be? I would like to be human, even if just for a day to know what it's like."

Awing at his boyfriend, Kai kissed him on the lips. "Just know, human or nindroid I love you always."

"Aww, I love you too. Perhaps Sensei has some sort of tea that could allow me to become human for a while, I would love to feel the sun. It won't burn me up will it?"


Humanitea was found in Wu's secret tea cellar, it had a very pugnacious scent and tasted like pickle juice mixed with vinegar but Zane chugged it down regardless. He looked down at his hands, feeling them soften up as his gears and wires formed into flesh and blood. "Oh... Oh my, I feel all squishy and malleable."

Scooping him up from behind, Kai gave him a big, wet kiss on the cheek. "Perfect for me to snuggle with, nice and smooth skin to boot."

The now human Zane blushed hard, running his hands over his plush belly, little did he know that it was about to become a whole lot softer. The couple decided to use their time off to eat out for the first time ever, since before they had to compensate for the fact that the ice master didn't need to eat.

"I was only ever able to smell cakes, I wonder if they taste just as good with the way Cole describes them." 

"Oh you're in for a real treat Zane! I got you a double fudge cake slathered in ganache, hope you like sprinkles too!"

Just one bite of cake wasn't enough, the former droid stuffed the entire slice into his mouth. "Mmmm~, smoo hebemmy!" He moaned, he tried to say it was heavenly but his voice was muffled by the sweet pastry.

After the chocolate cake came a triple layer orange mousse cake with heavy whipped cream, then there was a marble cake with sour cream icing, after that a keylime pie doused in meringue and a lime zest sorbet scoop.

However one thing Kai didn't tell his boyfriend was that too much sweets will go right to his hips. "Ah, this must be that full feeling he told me about.. Ooh, it feels so good."

His gut surged outwards as he filled out the more he ate, soon forming into a tight ball sitting in his lap. His skin started to tint red with stretch marks appearing on the sides, in just a short while the fat started to spread.

Kai smirked, seeing his boyfriend being pleasured from how large he was becoming. Zane moaned some more as his thighs and butt started to take up all the space on his side of the booth. "Oh my, I look even softer now after filling up. I feel so full, but I still want more.."

"Aw, in that case how about I stuff you up myself? I would love to kneed your soft belly, it looks like a big slab of fresh bread dough."

The lardy ninja blushed as his boyfriend sat atop his rounded out gut, popping cake pops one by one into his mouth. Soon Zane's neck disappeared into his growing flab rolls, buttons popped off his gi and his pants started to rip but he didn't care, it's not like anyone was staring at them. "OOoh... I feel like a pile of butter, I didn't think humans could end up so soft."

"That Zane is called fat, and it's what makes someone extra adorable." Kai cooed, kissing his crumb coated lips. "But it makes you the very definition of adorable."

Zane couldn't help but blush at that remark, kissing him back. "Am I really so much cuter like this?"

He got his answer with another kiss, this time on both his chubby cheeks. "I love you too Kai. Can I fatten you up tomorrow?"

"We'll see about that."

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