Two Planets And A Moon

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Only a single day had passed since Kai and Lloyd grew so much they completely outsized the entire planet, and already they've both doubled in weight. Not one person could tell the ever growing masses of pure blubber were in fact two former ninja. Weighing at over a whopping 8 trillion metric tonnes each, the happy couple would never stop gaining, with every bit of affection they shown each other they would keep getting fatter. "Mmmm, if I knew being a living planet would feel this good I would have fattened up ages ago~." Kai purred, using whatever was left of his flabby arm to squeeze Lloyd's many love handles.

"Me too, we can shock our team with just how huge we got now! Ooh, I'm still a bit sore from that flagpole those astronauts tried to stick onto my butt." The green ninja moaned, it was only a slight prick but was still an annoying experience for him. "Mind orbiting around to give it a kiss?~"

Kai didn't need to be told twice, he floated behind and gave his titanic boyfriend a soft peck on his other set of cheeks. "That better Lloydie?" He smirked, he gave Lloyd more kisses on the bottom, followed by motorboating his flabby booty.

"H-hey! You're a naughty planet, aren't you?~" The green ninja moaned, then he noticed TV satellite orbiting them. "This feels too amazing to keep for ourselves~ Heh, you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Back on earth, the remaining ninja were searching everywhere for their missing teammates. Although the Sons of Garmadon were no longer a problem with Harumi confessing to everything after being crushed by a mysterious yellow blob that floated up into space overnight, unfortunately she refused to utter a word as to what she did to them. "They're far from earth is all I'll say, trust me. Once you find them you wouldnt want them back on the planet either!" She growled. "And it's not like you can just turn on the TV and then automatically find out where they are."

Funny she should mention, because the nearby television just turned on by itself only to show nothing but flab rolls. "Is this on? Hey guys! It's Lloyd!" One of the massive blobs giggled. "Kai's behind me, admiring my behind for sure~ Aren't we huge?"

"Huge? Where are you?! Wait why am I asking the TV? It's not like they can hear me." Jay grumbled. "Wait, I bet they're those huge blobby things you got squished by just yesterday! And then they just started floating upwards, are they in space?! How are they breathing up there?"

As Jay was continuing to ask the TV about the logic of a human turned planet, Cole and Zane immediately chased after the now escaped Harumi. The droid immediately cornered her down in a hidden lab. "You've got nowhere to run now. Come quietly and-" The cult leader hissed, grabbing a nearby potion and tossing it at him. "Eep!! What have you done?" Zane squeaked, only for a familiar gurgling to erupt from his belly. Before either of them could react, the nindroid's belly surged outwards and squished Harumi. She attempted to squeeze away as best as she could, only to wind up trapped between his jiggly booty cheeks.

Just in the room above, Cole was with his longtime girlfriend, Izzy Spirit. "Who knew that creepy princess was also a mad scientist, I knew there was something off about her!" She growled. The pink ninja would have continued if the ground wasn't shaking beneath them, in a flash the couple went to investigate. Yet another blob broke out of the floor, but this one was a familiar titanium. "Zane? Is that you?" Cole asked.

The droid's round face nodded once he caught sight of his two friends, purring the more his body expanded. "Oooh, I don't ever wish to cease growing." Zane burped. He continued to bloat the more he admired his flabby new form, Cole couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of how huge he was, he knew how much Izzy loved huge chubby men. "All thanks to that odd pink potion. Oooh~ So long legs~"

"Whoa! He sure is huge! Coley Bear? Where did you go?" Izzy got her answer when Cole chugged down a whole potion bottle. "Cole? Whats that you're drinking?" In a flash the earth ninja bloated on top of his already huge friend. Izzy needed to use all her willpower not to immediately squeal and bounce on her boyfriend's massive belly. "Awww Coley Kins! You look even more snuggly than ever!"

Cole could only moan in response, he loved every minute of his fattening pleasure, especially as Izzy was face first in his titanic gut, motorboating him. Zane was squealing away at the same time, not helped by Harumi desperately trying to escape to no avail. Now two more ninja were floating upwards as they continued to double in size every second, resembling giant blobs more than actual humans. "Ooh Coley! You're just the most absolute chubby-wubby planet out there!" Izzy squealed.

"Mmm~ Looks like I am~" The earth ninja burped, his many chins wobbling. Kai and Lloyd were just ahead, giggling as they watched their friends approach. "Was this part of your plan, Lloydie?" Kai purred, kissing his boyfriend's neck flab.

"Nah~ But they love it~ But they're never gonna be as huge as us~"

"Oh I beg to differ, one day I'll be the biggest!" Zane purred, although he could feel something growing between his cheeks. Cole then noticed Izzy was looking chubbier than usual, blushing as her belly smooshed right into his face. "Heh, looks like we've got moons~"

"Oooh!! I'll get you ninja for this! One day I'll have my revenge on you!!" Harumi screamed, it took a lot of squeezing but she was finally freed. Unfortunately for her she was close to immobile herself. "Now look what you did! I got covered in that glop and my regal body has become-"

Izzy just about had enough of her, she launched herself at the evil princess, bumping her all the way back to earth. Giggling at a job well done, the plush moon floated back to her planet sized boyfriend. "That should show her! But now I'll need a bigger wardrobe." She squeaked.

Cole didn't mind at all, giving her a soft kiss on her softer lips. "Nah, you're perfect like this."

Now Ninjago had its own mini galaxy with four planets, a sweet moon and a grumbling little asteroid. But what about Jay and Nya? Well that's a story for another day.

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