Grow Young With Me

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With Wu and Garms being de-aged for the requestor's OC

"Ah, I welcome you all to Borg tower! Soon to be the face of Ninjago city, now with technology being the face of the future it will change our lives for the better!" Cyrus Borg announced, inviting in all his guests to his newly built tower. For the moment it was empty with nothing but blueprints littering the floor and a couple droid prototypes, but it'll soon be bustling with activity in order to put New Ninjago city on the map. But for now it was time to celebrate, there were dance offs, karaoke machines, performances from the Royal Blacksmiths and of course there was all the food.

Once of Mr. Borg's latest creations was an instant party snack dispenser, just with the push of a button, they would get Chex mix or punch right in front of them. Of course the five ninja were quick to use it to get their fill of fatty, deep fried, sugary delicacies. It all went right to their waists with ease, giving them guts large enough to pop out of their gi. But this isn't a story of them, this is all about their old senseis. Garmadon had no problem having fun along with his son's team, since he still looked handsome, Wu on the other hand?

He felt out of place around the other guests, he was 167 years old and it shown with his bald head covered from his straw hat, a long white beard going right down to his belt and wrinkles covering his entire face. He didn't want to come, but Jay insisted that he should get loose and have some fun after spending so long keeping the Golden Weapons. "I'm the younger sibling and yet Garmadon looks only fifty." He remarked, watching his students showing off to the crowds of fans.

"Oh cheer up brother, who's to say you're too old to have fun?"

"I suppose, but there is one thing I would have liked to have done in my youth. You have Misako right?"

Wu's older brother simply smirked. "You think you'll never be able to find love at your age?"

"It's not like there's anyone else around here who's lived as long as we have, they're just human after all."

"I don't know about that, there is one who seems to have her eye on you."

Approaching him was a young woman holding up two mugs of tea. "Does someone feel too old to have fun?" She joked. "Don't let being over a century old stop you from celebrating."

"I know, but it just feels so odd being around a crowd full of young people. When I was the age of my students, I remember I could be quite the flirt."

"Really now? I bet you miss those days huh?"

"I.. I do, now I'm nothing more than skin and bones. It would be nice for some way for me to return to my youth."

Smiling, the newcomer handed him a mug. "Maybe you can. Here, have a little something to drink."

Looking down into his mug, Wu took a couple sips. Then he took a couple more, the tea was sweet, having a hint of honey aftertaste. When he finished he could feel his skin tighten up. "Ah! What's going on?"

Looking into a nearby mirror, Wu was in awe when he found his beard shriveled up into a soft, clean shaven face, his once bald head was covered up from a new platinum blonde mullet, basically he felt a hundred and fifty years younger instantly. "It looks like the Yesterday's Tea works like a charm." Garmadon remarked, taking the other mug to drink from.

"I.. I'm young again, I don't even remember the day I had a full set of hair. Wait, how long until I'm back to my old age?"

"Oh you don't need to worry about that. It's like the tea that made Lloyd a teen, but in reverse. Now you got your entire life to live again! Oh by the way, my name is Ariel. You boys gonna party now?"

Wu didn't need to be told twice, he was right at the snack table alongside his students. It was quite a shock seeing their once elderly master now only a couple months older than they were, but at least he was now having the time of his life. "Garms, you gonna miss out on all the fun?"

"Don't wait up for me Wu! I need to introduce this tea to Misako as well, can't have her remaining old while I deaged now can I?"

Chuckling, the younger sibling stuffed himself up with fruit punch and shrimp chips. Much like the ninja before him, Wu's belly surged outwards as well. In the meantime Ariel watched his jiggly gut and giggled. "I see you've let go quickly."

"Umm.. I suppose I have. Perhaps I should cut back a little-"

"Oh don't worry about it, you're really cute with a belly." Ariel cooed, poking his paunch. "Do you have anything you'd really like?"

"Well.. I have always wanted to have melonpan filled with whipped cream. Of course I didn't have much of it lately since I needed to keep my figure up. It's hard to lose weight when you get as old as I once was." Wu chuckled.

"Coming right up! I'll also throw in some daifuku, I bet you'd like something soft too."

Turns out some was a lot more than a dozen alongside a stack of the sweet, buttery cream filled bread. "Umm, this is a lot more than what I was expecting."

But the scent of all the desserts was too much for him to resist, he grabbed the nearest melonpan and took a giant bite. "Mmmm, so fresh and the cream is cold and sweet." He added, licking the cream off his lips. "Do you think you can get some halo halo too?"

More and more desserts came through, all going down young Wu's gullet. As he was stuffed full of sweets, his belly kept on growing. His thighs thickened up as if butter was flowing through his veins, of course his butt nearly sank down to the floor with how much he gained. "Oooh.. Urp!! Excuse me.."

Ariel just giggled, stroking his soft exposed belly. "How about we take this somewhere more private? I know Borg has some rooms for guests too."

Blushing hard, he waddled behind her to one of the rooms. "Looks like I'm not the only one who let myself go."

Inside waiting for them was the now twenty year old Misako with her youthful and much larger husband. The only real change for Garmadon was his grey hair turned brown and his wrinkles tightened up, as well as his gi being nearly torn up from how much he gained.

"I really missed doing this with you." His wife giggled, kneeding his doughy belly. "I remember after our wedding you gorged yourself silly with desserts."

Chuckling, Wu laid himself back on the sofa, letting Ariel play with his love handles. "Mmm, you're so comfy now."

"Oh my.. Well, now we have all the time in the world to do stuff like this."

Smirking, she laid against his double chin and kissed him. "I bet this is the start of something great."

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