Feed The Emperor

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Conquering the Never Realm was a breeze for the corrupted Zane, now going by his title as the Ice Emperor. He ruled with an iron fist, imprisoning anyone who dared to step in his way. However world domination could work up quite an appetite, it was time to put his people to good use. "Ah yes my emperor, I will set out to find the greatest cooks in the realm where they will serve you their finest cuisine." His advisor, Vex cooed.

"Good, I've grown so frail sitting here. Have them feed me directly, as I refuse to leave my throne."

"As you command my lord, you won't even have to lift a finger. Just lay back and let us do all the work, you've earned it with all the conquering you've done."

In a flash the Blizzard Samurai were off, rounding up every last chef in the spared villages (and even thawing out others from the tribes Zane had demolished) and taking them to the castle. "Now get to work! The kitchens are at the door to your left, you better hurry now unless you'd like to become Popsicles."

Panicking, they set to work instantly. As if food wasn't scarce enough during the reign of the ice emperor, now there was barely anything left for the villagers to eat. Berries were harvested to become giant pies and crumble, fish were pulled up by the hundreds for deep frying with chips, slathered in garlic butter and served on a bed of creamy mashed potatoes or eating raw as sashimi with scallop tempura. Whatever was remotely edible was taken to the emperor right away.

All the while he refused to budge from his throne, forcing the chefs to feed him directly after cooking. As expected with a lax lifestyle of all food and no exercise, his form begun to soften up. His belly grew the most, constantly stuffed to the brim with calorie laden meals until it grew taunt and red. He grew hungrier every passing day, it seemed like no matter how heavy the meal was, he could never be satisfied.

It wasn't long until he outgrew his old armor, leaving him bare right in front of all his guards (not that Vex minded). His enormous gut draped right over his thunder thighs and stubby legs, acting like a titanium apron to keep him slightly decent. Meanwhile a new throne had to be made to hold his blubbery butt, and then another one after that. Despite how large he was getting he couldn't stop eating, he demanded more than double his usual fair of food to fill him out.

"You have a very healthy appetite my emperor, but I must say you've already grown too fat for your throne. How much bigger could you possibly get?" Vex purred, sinking a hand into Zane's five chins.

"I don't care how big I get, I'm still starving! Bring me more cooks!!" He commanded, his belly jiggling from his booming voice. "And tell the prisoners to keep feeding me at all times! Their ruler must never go hungry."

"Of course my lord, I'll be sure the food keeps on coming. We can't have you going scrawny and frail on us can we?"

With a smirk, he watched as his already massive emperor continued to grow, eventually his limbs were forced apart, sinking directly into the flabby rolls just under his mountainous belly. His face fattened up nicely as well, his cheeks puffed up to the size of beach balls and his almost nonexistent neck was covered up by tens of chins rolling down to his moobs. Eventually the servants needed to climb his massive frame in order to continue to feed him, it got even harder when Zane started to outsize the entire throne room. His blubbery frame pressed up against the walls, threatening to bring down the entire castle and his head soon reached the ceiling.

Vex was more than amused to see the amnesiac droid he found now too large to be recognized, at a distance one could easily mistake him for some sort of soft, blobby mountain covered in rolls of fat. "Now everyone must obey you or be crushed." He smirked, laying down on a butt cheek the size of the old throne room. The entire castle was no more at this rate, now there was just the giant ice emperor.

"Yes, you are unstoppable now my lardy lord. No one would dare to take on someone as massive, as powerful as you. You shall be ruling this land for eternity, and perhaps even more realms in the future."

"More realms? I do recall one world, it was bustling with activity, with fire snakes galore. Do you know of any creature like that?"

"We'll soon find out. But for now you sleep, digest everything you had. You'll need to have a big appetite for tomorrow's meal."

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