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"The Samurai got away, not that it matters. She doesn't even know she's an elemental herself, and it gives me more time to spend with you." Clouse purred. He had Garmadon tied to a pole on a pile of skulls. "Now, all that matters is what to do with you."

"Gr, you've got me tied down with Vengestone already and threatened to feed me to your snake. What more could you possibly do to me?" The old sensei snapped. He continued to struggle against the chains, so far not even a dent was made. "My son will find me.."

"Oh yes, Lloyd. He's being taken care of as we speak. I think Master Chen is having him face off against the fire ninja, or was it the event where everyone's in the jungle after the spy?"

"You're bluffing, you think Kai would fight the one he vowed to protect back when he was a child?"

Clouse only smirked. "You never know, people change when they're given the promise of power. But I'm only delaying the inevitable. Your ego was inflated to immense heights back when you gained lordship, it's only fitting for you to match your ego." He purred. Flipping through the pages of his spellbook, he found the perfect spell for his ex. "You want out of those chains? Allow me~"

As he was monologing, Garmadon was climbing up the pole he was chained to, he was only halfway there when the warlock caught him. Immediately the spell was recited.

"Thy head full of pride, weighed down by sins

So fill out everywhere with thy pleasures within

Thy body will grow until the end of time

Human to blimp, swelling with slime"

The sensei's torso was now glowing a bright green before a loud gurgle erupted from his gut. He groaned as he felt a viscous liquid materialize directly in his belly. "What have you done?!"

"I thought you would have guessed, I would never feed my pet such a filthy thing. No, your worth being nothing more than a plaything for her. Try not to pop~"

Garmadon growled, he would have lunged for the kill if his belly didn't weigh him down. It surged outwards once more, making it seem like he swallowed a beach ball. The grey haired man pressed his hands hard onto his gut, thinking it would help him burp and deflate. However as he was filling up with slime and not air it just felt like he was squeezing a stress ball. Even if it did work, his arms were filling out next, forcing them upwards as they puffed up.

His legs were next to go, sinking until they were nothing more than tiny round nubbins wriggling against his round body. As he continued to grow his clothes strained so hard it left marks on his stretched skin, a huge surge snapped his belt right off, then went all the buttons on his gi. His pant legs tore at the seems, as did the sleeves on his shirt. All that was left of his new gi were bits of fabric on the ground, all that remained on the ballooned Garmadon were a stretchy pair of briefs. "Oh what are you so flustered about? It's not like anyone else caught you half naked." Clouse purred, giving his belly a slap.

Garmadon tried to respond, but his cheeks were last to fill out. They puffed up and pushed against his lips, giving him a constant pout. Some slime dribbled down his face from the slap, anything that came from his mouth would be completely muffled. "Such an adorable toy you've turned out to be, I might keep you for myself~"

Gently squeezing the inflated man, Clouse rolled him up to his personal room. "Let's get you into something more cozy, shall we?" He purred, with a snap of his fingers, Garmadon was now in a cotton purple onesie. "There we go, isn't that much better than rolling around in your underwear?"


"Oh that's right, you're unable to speak." The warlock laughed, curling up onto the round sensei. "You're nice and soft. The perfect cuddle toy to me." He smirked, watching as his ex continued to pout at him. "Oh don't be like that, I know you love this too."

All the slime sloshed about inside Garmadon, making him wobble like a bowl of Jello. "Get comfortable, you'll be like this for a while now."

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